Different Methods to Compute Pollutant Dispersion Around Buildings
Different methods to approximate the advection terms currently in use are reviewed. Holly-Preismann (HP) cubic interpolation using method of characteristics, Chapeau function (CF) method...

Random Vortex Models in Wind Engineering
Random vortex methods are Lagrangian particle-based numerical simulation schemes especially appropriate for Wind Engineering simulations. Vortex methods do not suffer from numerical diffusion...

Intelligent Tutoring Systems to Aid Water Treatment Plant Operators
Training for water treatment plant operators exists primarily through short courses at colleges or technical schools, self-study manuals, and on-the-job training. Intelligent tutoring...

Estimating Clay Liner and Cover Permeability Using Computational Neural Networks
The ability to provide a quick estimate of the permeability value to be expected in laboratory testing (of field samples) would help to predict potential problems in meeting the permeability...

Computer Applications in Liquefaction Analysis
This paper discusses the applications of total and effective stress based computer programs for liquefaction analysis. A total stress based computer program, SHAKE in conjunction with...

Intentions and Credences ? An Australian Approach to Computerised Building Regulation
In the past, computer representation of building regulations has addressed a series of prescriptive requirements. Compliance with each requirement was essential and the only relationship...

Standards Processing 2000
Current software applications fall short of meeting user requirements for `intelligent' electronic access to building codes and standards. Hypertext is a useful tool, but it only assists...

The Context?Oriented Model: An improved Modeling Approach for Representing and Processing Design Standards
Current electronic design evaluators employ one of three primary computational models to represent a design standard: the Condition/Consequent, Object-Oriented and hybrid models. The problems...

Object-Oriented Structural Analysis with Substructures
Computer-aided structural analysis is a mature field. However, recent research has produced advances in the areas of automated modeling, multi-processing, and programming techniques. The...

An Object-Oriented Approach for Reinforced Concrete Design
The use of the object-oriented programming approach in developing applications for the analysis and design of reinforced concrete members is discussed. Two object oriented programming...

Concurrent E-I Algorithm in Structural Dynamics
A concurrent explicit-implicit algorithm for time integration of the differential equations arising from a finite element discretization is described. The first step of the method consists...

Nonlinear Analysis of Structural Frameworks Using Supercomputing Techniques
Applications of vectorization and the parallel processing technique of multitasking in the elastic nonlinear analysis of building frameworks are presented. The proposed algorithm is implemented...

State and Resource Based Construction Process Simulation
Stroboscope is a programming language for construction process simulation. The programming language provides access to the state of the simulation and to the properties of resources. It...

Multi-Objective Optimization of Construction Schedules
This paper focuses on the multi-objective deterministic and stochastic modelling and optimization of construction tasks scheduling. Of particular importance is a frequency need to satisfy...

Using Computer Programs to Develop As-Built Schedules
An as-built schedule documents how a project was built over time. It indicates the start and the end dates of each activity during the construction. This schedule is often used to evaluate...

How Many Observation Wells Does it Take to Find a Groundwater Contamination Plume?
A Bayesian data worth framework is developed to balance the benefits and costs of data collection. In addition to Bayesian decision analysis, tools from Monte Carlo simulation, numerical...

Decision-Making Paradigm for Risk Assessment of Hazardous Wastes Using Fuzzy Sets
This paper summarizes the development of a risk assessment framework to provide risk-cost policy alternatives to prioritize remediation actions for hazardous wastes. The framework is a...

Managing Uncertainty in Environmental Remediation Project Planning
The cleanup operations in environmental remediation (ER) process, a relatively new area of opportunity for the construction industry, is often avoided due to its perceived high risks....

Linguistic Analysis of Risk in Project Planning
Construction risk analysis models are mainly based on quantitative techniques which require numerical data. However, in many cases, the available information related to uncertainty factors...

Creation of a Modernized Land Information System for Milwaukee County
This paper provides a case study of the creation of a parcel based land information system for a large metropolitan county. The paper describes the structure of the system and the technical...





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