Oil Spill Impacts on Aquifers
This study attempts to evaluate the seismic hazards along a forty inch pipeline and the impact of a pipeline rupture in the recharge area of the aquifer serving most of West Tennessee....

Application of a Water Budget for Instream Flows
A portion of a water supply reservoir can be dedicated to supplying instream flows. This subreservoir is operated to provide instream fish habitat below the reservoir when releases to...

Application of Risk Management and Value Engineering Techniques to Evaluation of Water Resources Projects with Special Emphasis on Geological Hazards
The purpose of this paper is to provide: 1) a perspective for identifying and evaluating in comparable terms all hazards at a site; and 2) a means for intelligent decision-making based...

Optimization of Freshwater Inflow to Estuaries
This paper presents a methodology that can be used for determining the optimal freshwater inflows into bays and estuaries for the purpose of balancing freshwater demands with the harvest...

Key Environmental Development Issues
Environmental statutes dealing with the control of pollutants generally regulate precriptively, establishing both technical standards, relating to discharges and their effect on the environment,...

The Use of the IWR-Main System as a Planning Tool in Phoenix, Arizona
The IWR-MAIN water demand forecasting model is used extensively as a long-range planning tool by the Phoenix Water and Wastewater Department. Its specific applications include: conservation...

The Center for Advanced Decision Support for Water and Environmental Systems
In July of 1988, the US Bureau of Reclamation awarded the University of Colorado a 4 year, 4 million dollar Cooperative Agreement for the development of a Center of Excellence in the Application...

Conductivity and Transit Time Estimates of a Soil Liner
A field-scale soil linear was built to assess the feasibilty of constructing a liner to meet the saturated hydraulic conductivity requirement of the U.S. EPA (i.e., less than 1 ? 10-7...

Water Reallocation of the Carson River
The federal courts have not been able to allocate the waters of the Carson or Truckee Rivers in such a manner as to satisfy all the users. As a result, there have been a number of suits...

Unmixing Mixed Waste
A thermal treatment process successfully converted sludge classified as hazardous chemical/radioactive mixed waste to low specific activity radioactive waste at the National Guard Armory...

Bio Bonanza?
Bioremediation was used on a portion of the Exxon oil spill, causing the popular press to take notice of the ability of bugs to eat away at oil and, possibly, toxic wastes. The Alaskan...

Successful Siting Incentives
Citizen opposition to the siting of facilities that store, produce or use hazardous materials is both widespread and problematic. There are siting incentives that have worked to allay...

Vaporizing VOCs
The authors summarize the findings of a study for the Environmental Protection Agency on vapor extraction of volatile organic compounds from soils. The potential for ground water contamination...

Threatened by probable tightening of hazardous-waste legislation, oil companies are searching for ways to dispose of or stabilize oil-drilling byproducts. One way is cementitious stabilization...

Stopping Waste at the Source
Contrary to popular belief, waste reduction at the source, rather than end-of-the-pipe waste treatment may the nation's best approach to the hazardous waste problem. Surprisingly,...

Managing Water-Related Conflicts
the Engineer's Role
The problems facing water resources planners and managers are extensive. The major challenge is finding the key to cooperative rather than divisive approaches to water resources management....

Evolution of a Three-Dimensional Curvilinear-Grid Hydrodynamic Model for Estuaries, Lakes and Coastal Waters: CH3D
Traditional finite-difference models of estuarine, coastal and lake hydrodynamics and transport use rectangular Cartesian grids in the horizontal directions. In order to accurately represent...

Dispersion Analysis of the Dartmouth, MA Municipal Sewage Outfall Off Salters Point
The water quality impacts of the existing and proposed upgraded Dartmouth, Massachusetts Wastewater Treatment Plant on the Salters Point region of Buzzards Bay were examined through the...

Circulation and Transport Modeling in New Bedford Harbor
Three-dimensional hydrodynamics and mass transport were simulated in the New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts, area in support of a combined sewers/sewage outfall facilities planning project...

Application of Particle Tracking Model for Ocean Outfall Siting in New Bedford, Massachusetts
PACE, a particle tracking model, was used to assist siting studies for an ocean outfall to be built in conjunction with the City of New Bedford's proposed new secondary wastewater...





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