Erosion and Washover in Coastal Louisiana
In 1985 three hurricanes affected the barrier coastline (Caminada-Moreau Headland) of Louisiana. These produced severe coastal erosion and rapid washover extension. Using the 1979 U.S.G.S....

The South Carolina Coast II. Development and Beach Management
The variety of development and conservation areas is superimposed on a wide range of erosion and accretion histories. Lack of construction setbacks has contributed to the general but probably...

A Review of the South Carolina Method for Establishing Coastal Setback Lines
The location of the setback line will depend to a large extent on the nature of the shoreline. Those areas adjacent to an unstabilized tidal inlet and affected by coastal processes at...

Input Management: A Proposal for the Largest Coastal Lagoon in Brazil
Principles of General System Theory and Energy Analysis are used to study the best management technique al Lagoa dos Patos (in southern Brazil), including its watershed and contiguous...

Low Cost Wave Measurement Program
This paper addresses some problems related to a wave measurement program in the coast emphasizing costs, environmental hazards and technological problems. Subjects covered include coastal...

Selection of Marine Bioindicators for Monitoring Radioactive Wastes Released from Nuclear Power Plants
The Brazilian Nuclear Program comprises the Angra I Nuclear Power Plant, in operational tests; the Angra II Nuclear Power Plant, under construction, expected to be completed in 1992; and...

Status of the Spiny Lobster (Crustacea: Palinuridae) Stocks Off Northeast Brazil in Relation to Fishing Effort and Environmental Conditions
Conditions for the development of relatively abundant populations of spiny lobsters of genus Panulirus, mainly P. argus and P. laevicauda, off Northeast Brazil are consistent with hydrologically...

Hydrobiological Characterization of Guanabara Bay
Guanabara Bay forms an ecological unity with serious environmental problems derived from an accelerated and unorganized process of urbanization without the necessary support. The UFRJ/Institute...

Vertical Distribution of Barnacles of the Intertidal Rocky Shores of Guanabara Bay, RJ, Brazil
This paper aims to give a quantitative analysis, using the belt-transect method, to describe the Balanomorpha species vertical zonation models of the intertidal in the rocky beaches of...

Management of Fisheries in the State of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
To improve the interdisciplinary knowledge and to subdivide the problem in bio-ecological sectors, international committees recommend the development of integrated evaluation groups. On...

Tourism Versus Conservation in Fernando De Noronha Island, Brazil
Conscious of the problems created by tourism expansion and searching for a definition of the uses compatible to the restoration and the maintenance of ecological equilibrium, the previous...

Impact on a Primitive Fishing Community in Maric? County, Caused by Urbanization
The fishing communities studied in this paper, although influenced by the more important urban growth movement of the metropolis of Rio de Janeiro, have reacted in a different manner to...

Heavy Metals Pollution Monitoring Through the Critical Pathways Analysis: The Sepetiba Bay Case
The methodology of the critical pathway analysis has been widely employed to monitor the environmental impact of nuclear power plants in the aquatic environment. This methodology has been...

Recent Erosion in the Stable Ipanema-Leblon Beach in Rio De Janeiro
This paper presents the findings of a diagnostic study contracted by the City Hall of Rio de Janeiro, concerning beach erosion problems. It first reviews the problem and existing data....

POU/POE Devices: Availability, Performance, and Cost
In order to gather and summarize information and data on point of use/point of entry (POU/POE) devices, a committee was established by the Environmental Engineering Division of the American...

POU/POE Water Treatment: Regulatory Challenge
During the past few years the use of point-of-use (POU) and point-of-entry POE) water treatment devices has grown dramatically. One attendant consequence has been the proliferation of...

Use of POE/POU Technology at US Army Installations
A wide spectrum of adverse water quality characteristics has been experienced at US Army installations throughout the country. These characteristics, both interim and long-term in nature,...

Point-of-Entry/Point-of-Use Water Treatment-? Where Do We Go From Here?
The development and marketing of point-of-entry-entry/point-of-use (POE/POU) devices has become a multi-million dollar business, and is projected to become even larger with the annual...

Optimizing the Activated Sludge Process by Encouraging Futile Cycling
A study was conducted to demonstrate that cell yield in activated sludge processes can be decreased without increasing oxygen consumption by applying operating conditions that encourage...

Risk of Waterborne Infectious Illness Associated with Diving in the Point Loma Kelp Beds, San Diego, CA
There is considerable interest in estimating the risk of bacterial and viral illness (i.e., disease, infection) associated with scuba diving in the Point Loma kelp beds located within...





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