Dimensional Analyses of Yellow River Sediment Data
A contemporaneous set of bed load and suspended load sediment transport data were analysed for three hydrologic stations on the Yellow River. There were a total of 82 bed load events,...

Effects of Reservoir Regulation on Channel Morphology
A case study is presented in which such a multidisciplinary approach was used to evaluate the impacts of regulated outflows from the recently completed Warm Springs Dam Project (Sonoma...

Nuclide Migration from Areal Sources Into a Fracture
The authors show analytic solutions to the problem of hydrogeologic transport of radionuclides released from finite areal sources into a planar fracture. The authors illustrate the solutions...

Two-Dimensional Groundwater Transport Subgrids in a 3-D Flow Model
The USGS Modular 3-D Finite Difference Ground-Water Flow Model by McDonald and Harbaugh (MODULAR) simulates ground-water flow in three dimensions by breaking the modeled region into several...

On the Selection of Sediment Transport Equations
Existing sediment transport relationships have been calibrated under a certain range of experimental conditions which can be described by the dimensionless grain size, the mobility number,...

Computational Modeling of Sediment Transport in Kachemak Bay
The tide-generated flow circulation in the Kachemak Bay of Alaska was simulated numerically using the Multi-Leveled Finite Element Model originally developed by Kawahara of Japan and recently...

Calculating Runaway Pressure Surges in Small Hydro Units
Determination of the runaway speed and concomitant pressure surges requires consideration of both the turbine rotodynamics and the waterhammer equations. In this paper a simplified method...

Depleted Uranium Migration in Stream Bedload Environment
The objective of this paper is to present results of a comprehensive hydrologic transport study, designed to assess potential surface water contamination, resulting from the release of...

Analysis of Estuarine Tracer-Gas Transport and Desorption
The riverine tracer-gas technique provides a direct, reach-averaged measure of gas exchange, is fairly simple to implement, and is widely accepted for determining reaeration-rate coefficients...

Loss of Aquatic Habitat in Quincy Bay
Quincy Bay is a backwater area along the upper Mississippi River near Quincy, Illinois. The construction in 1969 of a small boat access channel about 3. 2 km upstream of the natural bay...

Stream Width Adjustment to Upstream Loading
Channel width adjustments takes place either by fluvial erosion or accretion of the banks, or by their mass failure under gravity and subsequent removal of the slump debris. Simulation...

Contaminant Transport from an Array of Sources
The authors show analytic solutions to the problem of contaminant dispersion from an array of point sources in a waste disposal site. These solutions are for waste sources in a fluid-saturated...

PC MODEL BRESSED for Stochastic Prediction of Reservoir Sedimentation
A stochastic flow-storage/sediment-deposition model was written in BASIC with userfriendly features. It is an augmented version of the FORTRAN program RESSED (REServoir SEDimentation)...

Riverine 2D Random Walk Transport Model
A random walk transport model was developed to avoid the amplitude and phase errors inherent in finite difference models. A three-point probability distribution was used for the random...

Computing Contaminant Transport in Unsteady Riverflow
A numerical model capable of simulating transport and dispersion of mass in an unsteady, non-uniform flow field has been developed. Model results compare quite well with existing analytical...

Hydraulic Investigation of the Cache River Basin
To develop a comprehensive solution to the problems that exist in the basin, the Illinois State Water Survey has initiated a hydraulic study. This ongoing research includes collection...

Ackers-White Equation: Transportation by Size Fractions
The Ackers-White procedure for sediment transport has been modified to permit calculation by size fractions. The original logic has been retained, but A values for incipient motion have...

Evaluation of Water Quality from a Drainage-Subirrigation System in Georgia
Nitrate-N, Ammonium-N and Phosphate-P concentrations were measured from shallow subsurface wells and outlets of a drainage-subirrigation system in the Georgia flatwoods for comparison...

Lessons from the Failure of a Needle Valve
In 1984 a manually operated, hydraulically actuated 66-inch needle valve ruptured due to water hammer. The circumstances that caused the failure were reconstructed through extensive analysis...

Reducing Maintenance Costs of Irrigation Systems
Reducing the costs of maintaining an irrigation water delivery system is becoming more important as the financial problems of the irrigators become more critical. The maintenance costs...





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