High Strength Concrete - A New Material
In this paper, the material properties and structural member behavior of normal and high-strength concretes are summarized. The current ACI code recommendations are based on results of...

Fishing the Four-Lane
Recent changes in one Montana canyon have shown that even highways and freshwater fish can happily coexist with the proper planning. Twenty years ago, the Montana Department of Highways...

Building Structures
This volume contains over forty papers from thirteen sessions of Structures Congress '87. The papers include a variety of topics on the overall behavior and design of buildings...

The Just-in-Case Factor
Computer analysis allows bridge designers to take a more precise look at the old structural principle of redundancy. No one can define redundancy, but everybody knows what it means. Two...

Artist in Wood Structures
Julius Natterer is chairman on the Institute for Wood Structures at the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland, and designer of more unusual or unique wood structures...

Mini Hydro at the Hackett Mills Project
The project includes rehabilitation of a timber crib dam and the first use of a Right Angle Drive turbine in the United States to generate power from the 16 feet of head available at the...

Arch Dams for Small Hydroelectric Sites
Approximate formulas are developed for the design of small arch dams. These designs, although conservative, frequently allow for economies over other dam types. Considered are: an approximate...

Conversion Experience at the Chief Joseph Dam Project
In August, 1983, Woodward Governor Company was awarded U. S. Army Corps of Engineers contract DACW67-83-C-0076 to convert ten existing Allis-Chalmers and six existing Woodward Governor...

Design and Test of Cold Formed Steel Members
Latticed systems represent the most spread and low-cost solution for electrical trasmission towers, when ground conditions do not affect the design choice. Steel angles have been used...

Strength Data Base for LRFD of Transmission Lines
Reliability-Based Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) has been proposed as a desirable alternative or a complement to the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) for the structural...

35-Year-Old Foundations, Thule Air Base, Greenland
In February 1951 the secret project 'Blue Jay' to construct the base began. Timber piling were used in the foundations of boilers, generators, and other heavy...

Design and Monitoring of an Ice Drill Pad
An ice pad was sucessfully designed and built to provide a suitable foundation for an exploratory drill rig in the National Petroleum Reserve of Alaska in early 1985. Design considerations...

Waterfront Stabilization Project, Kaktovik, Alaska
This paper discusses an innovative 384-foot treated-timber cribwall design utilized to control rapidly accelerating thermal erosion and establish a roadway along the bluff on the Beaufort...

Spring Stiffness for Beam-Column Analysis of Soil-Structure Interaction Problems
The objective is to provide a simple means of analytically combining a two-dimensional foundation with a beam-column structure so that the procedure can be used for preliminary design...

Nonlinear Analysis of External Prestressed Bridges
Finite element formulations for analysis of the overall response of concrete bridge girders prestressed with external tendons is described. The analytical procedure includes several nonlinear...

Practical Modeling of Bar Slippage in R/C Joints
A procedure based on the displacement method of analysis has been developed for analyzing the behavior of beam reinforcement crossing the interior beam-column connections under seismic...

Cyclic Energy Absorption by Reinforced Concrete
Results are presented on the basis of experiments conducted on conventional and steel fibrous reinforced concrete beams. The effects of the amount and nature of steel reinforcement and...

Dynamic Behavior of Full-Scale Wood Diaphragms
Experimental testing of full-scale wood diaphragms has been performed at Washington State University to determine basic dynamic properties. Ten diaphragms, including walls, floors, and...

The Atlantic Palace: Part I Structural System Selection Based on Wind Tunnel Testing
The location of the structure in a coastal area susceptible to high winds, the irregular shape and height of the building and the desire for more accurate wind loading and acceleration...

Performance of an Earthquake Excited Roof Diaphragm
The objective of this paper is to study the earthquake performance of the roof diaphragm of the West Valley College gymnasium in Saratoga, California through a complete set of acceleration...





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