Denitrification of Ground Water/Waste Water using the Aquacel System
Within the United States there are vast reserves of ground water which are no longer suitable for drinking because of high concentration (> 10 mg/l NO3-N) nitrates. Furthermore,...

Treatment of Wet Weather Discharges in Columbus, Georgia
The City of Columbus, Georgia and the Columbus Water Works (CWW) instigated a combined sewer overflow (CS 0) control program to protect the Chattahoochee River against adverse impacts...

Rock Riprap for Grade Control
Rock chutes (riprap channels on steep slopes) are used as grade control structures to safely conduct a water flow to a lower elevation. Common procedures used for design of rock riprap...

Comparison of Stochastic Programming and Robust Optimization Models for Groundwater Plume Containment
Stochastic optimization models for containing a groundwater contaminant plume through the installation and operation of pumping wells are developed. Two related formulations are presented?stochastic...

Optimization of Groundwater Remediation with DES
Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) are non-derivative-based and stochastic op timization methods which simulate the natural evolution process. A type of EA, Derandomized Evolution Strategy...

Drought Experiences of Ohio and Their Applications in the DAR-JAI River Basin of Taiwan
The shortage of water due to droughts could cause tremendous environmental and economical impacts to the affected area such as the unsuitability for aquatic life and the inadequacy for...

Dynamic vs. Quasi-Static Effluent Limits
Selenium water quality objectives are currently being exceeded in the San Joaquin River, California due to agricultural subsurface drainage discharges. The Federal Clean Water Act requires...

Sources and Circulation of Salt in the San Joaquin River Basin
Historical data and a water quality model were used to quantify the sources of salt, boron and selenium in the lower San Joaquin River (SJR) basin, California. Mean monthly data for sources...

A Regional Management Plan to Improve Water Quality in the Grassland Basin
Seven irrigation and drainage districts on the west side of Californias San Joaquin Valley have formed a regional drainage entity to implement programs that will reduce the load of selenium...

Economic Issues Regarding Water Quality Objectives in the Grassland Basin
A conceptual framework is presented for evaluating the potential costs and benefits of water quality objectives in the Grassland Basin. The investments and expenditures required to achieve...

Flexible Water Deliveries: One District's Experience
The Merced Irrigation District (MID) has implemented two significant incentive programs in 1995 to provide surface irrigation water to farmers who have shifted to private wells for irrigation....

Advanced Seawater Desalination Plant
A project that will demonstrate an enhanced seawater desalination process that operates in combination with upgraded existing coastal power plants to meet part of the projected water needs...

Groundwater Monitoring For a Tunneling Project
The Groundwater Monitoring and Management Plan, developed for the proposed tunnel reaches between Devil Canyon and City Creek, monitors and manages selected water resource features within...

Value Engineering Changes to the Eastside Pipeline
Value Engineering is a process of applying analytic, creative and evaluative techniques to a project in order to make recommendations that will, when implemented, maximize value and quality...

The Secondary Inlet of the Eastside Pipeline Project
The subject of this paper is a design feature included in the current capital improvement program of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. This feature, the Secondary...

Impact of Sedimentation Caused by Runoff
As water is pumped into a reservoir, sedimentation caused by runoff can be an important factor in the reservoir's storage capacity. This report discusses various studies conducted...

Artificial Recharge Using Inflatable Rubber Dams
Artificial recharge of ground water is a necessity in Orange County, California, where natural recharge is insufficient to satisfy water demands. Orange County is part of a semiarid coastal...

Artificial Recharge of a Buried Glacial Aquifer in South Dakota
The Huron Project of the High Plains States Groundwater Demonstration Program was designed to artificially recharge a buried glacial aquifer in eastern South Dakota High flows from the...

Modeling Groundwater Response to a Perimeter Flood
A large industrial facility in the west of France was impacted by a flood in January 1995. Costs associated with the disruption in one week of production were estimated at $15E6 US. In...

Concept Ecology Integrated Project Engineering and Environment; Relating a Project to the Surroundings
The selected alignment of the 27.3 km long Veterans Expressway in Tampa, Florida was constructed for better access to the downtown area from a relatively rural but fast growing area of...





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