Plutonium and Minor Actinide Transmutation by Long Irradiation in LWR
An investigation was made on the conceptual possibility of burning in a thermal reactor MOX fuel together with special pins containing plutonium, minor actinides and long-lived fission...

ATW System Impact on High-Level Waste
Criteria are developed for transmutation system impact on HLW storage that are related to intrusion and long-term risk reduction. Thermal reactor, fast reactor, and accelerator-driven,...

Remote Spent Fuel Handling in France at the La Hague Cask Unloading Facility
French policy for the back end of fuel cycle is based on spent fuel reprocessing. Irradiated spent fuels are transferred in casks from the nuclear reactors to the reprocessing plant where...

Evaluation of Spent Fuel Behavior Under Interim Storage Conditions in Russia
The nuclear power in Russia is based on three types of water cooled power reactors VVER-440, -1000 and RBMK-1000. Two fast sodium cooled reactors-prototypes BN-350 and BN-600 are in commercial...

Feasibility Assessment Grants in Support of Volunteer Siting of a Monitored Retrievable Storage Facility
The Monitored Retrievable Storage facility (MRS) is an integral component of the planned Federal radioactive waste management system. The MRS will temporarily store spent fuel from commercial...

Application of Quality Assurance to Site Characterization
Siting studies for nuclear power plants are conducted for the purpose of determining the suitability of the site (a natural system) on plant systems that prevent the release of radioactive...

Tourist Visitation Impacts of the Accident at Three Mile Island
This paper analyzes tourist impacts of the March 27, 1979, accident at Three Mile Island. A review of the literature, supplemented with recollections from Pennsylvanian public officials,...

The Formation and Economic Impact of Perceptions of Risk Surrounding Nuclear Facilities
This paper summarizes the results of an investigation of factors determining the nature of risk perceptions associated with eleven nuclear facilities and their impact on local economic...

A DAD Example: The Story of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant in Taiwan
Over the past decade, nuclear power play an important role in help develop Taiwan's internationally recognized economy. The effort for putting the new nuclear power plant onto the grid...

HWVP Compliance with the Hanford Site Solid Waste Acceptance Criteria
This report describes the Hanford Waste Vitrification project (HWVP), which will be located at the Haford Site. The Hanford Site encompasses a 560-mi2...

Tolerance Requirements for Remote Handling at the Hanford Vitrification Project
A new and innovative approach to installation of the many remote nozzles and electrical connectors that must be installed to demanding tolerances has been developed by the architect/engineer...

Operating the Columbia River: A Balancing Act
Agreements to market the Canadian share of the hydroelectric power generated at U.S. facilities as a result of the Columbia River Treaty will begin terminating in 1998. Renewal of the...

Glen Canyon: The Economic Costs
Revenues from power produced at Glen Canyon Dam are used to support Colorado River Storage Project (CRSP) purposes, to pay O&M costs, and to repay construction costs. Generation...

An Isolated Wetland Used for Stormwater Treatment
A marsh used for stormwater management showed gradually increasing levels of pH, dissolved oxygen and conductivity in the flow path. The system was especially effective in removing suspended...

Long-Term Performance of Wet Detention Ponds
Wet detention is a technology which has been successfully applied in recent years to improve stormwater runoff quality in urban areas. Since most systems have a short operational history,...

Snake Reservoir Drawdown ? A Brief Progress Report
The Northwest Power Planning Council has directed the region to employ the use of 'Drawdown' as tool to help threatened and endangered salmon stocks in Snake and Columbia rivers unless...

Water Quality Impacts from Development of Port Ludlow, Washington
Port Ludlow Bay is a tidal estuary located adjacent to Admiralty Inlet in Puget Sound, Washington. A planned development has been under construction along the bay since 1976. A 0.64 mgd...

Water Quality Model of the Chicago Waterway
In 1992, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (the District) developed a QUAL2E water quality model of the Chicago waterway and Upper Illinois waterway. The model...

Optimization of Operations?The Manitoba Hydro Experience
As part of a decision support system, Manitoba Hydro implemented a comprehensive optimization model for operations planning in the mid 1980's (Barritt-Flatt and Cormie 1991). Since that...

Impacts of Hydropower Operation on Water Supply from Lower Colorado River in Texas
The Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) of Texas is both a water and energy supplier to a large area of Central Texas. LCRA generates approximately 10 percent of its power from hydroelectric...





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