Sediment Removal from Stormwater Runoff
Sediment traps, also known as baffle boxes, are being used throughout the state of Florida to remove sediment from stomiwater. A baffle box is divided into three compartments by two bathers,...

Glacier-Generated Floods and Debris Flows
Sudden release of glacially impounded water causes catastrophic floods, known as outburst floods, and ocasionally spawn debris flows that pose significant hazards in mountainous areas....

An Experimental Study on the Use of Constructed Wetlands for Stormwater Management
The purpose of this study is to compare the pollutant removal effectiveness of selected wetland vegetation such as cattails, reeds, and bulrushes by using laboratory bucket wetlands. Pollutants...

Impact of Point and Nonpoint Discharges on the Water Quality of a Reach of the Red River of the North
Projected increase of discharge of point and nonpoint-source effluents into rivers, make compliance with water quality standards increasingly difficult and necessitate controlling these...

Biodegradation Modeling of a Closed Landfill Site
The two-dimensional model, BIOPLUME II, was applied to the closed Becker County Landfill at Detroit township, Minnesota, to study the transport of hydrocarbons occurring at the site. The...

The Timberlake Dam Failure: A Hydrometeorological Assessment
Extremely heavy rainfall over the Timberlake basin in southwest Virginia on 23 June 1995 caused an earthen dam to fail and resulted in fatalities. The meteorological conditions are examined...

COASTMAP: An Integrated System for Environmental Monitoring, Modeling and Management
The development of COASTMAP, an integrated system for environmental monitoring, modeling and management for fresh and marine waters, is presented. The system allows the user to collect,...

Detailed Measurements of Scour at Bridges
The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration, has recently developed equipment and techniques for collecting detailed bathymetric and hydraulic data...

Storm Water General Industrial Permit Non-Filers Identification and Outreach
Storm water discharges convey pollutants from urban activities that can impair surface water quality. Industrial facilities have been identified as one source of storm water pollutants...

A California Handbook for Developing an Industrial/Commercial Storm Water Inspection Program
Runoff and non-storm water discharges to storm drains from industrial and commercial businesses can be major causes of storm water pollution in urban areas, but there are sources of this...

Dredging in the Southern Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
The California Department of Water Resources and the United States Bureau of Reclamation are jointly conducting an environmental study and are proposing to release a draft Environmental...

Water Quality Impacts of Dredging and Disposal Operations in Boston Harbor
The Massachusetts Port Authority is presently planning a navigation improvement project in the port of Boston, consisting of dredging the 10.7 m (35 ft) deep channels and berths in the...

Best Management Practices and Community Education
The 1987 Water Quality Act requires the permitting of municipal separate storm sewer systems and the reduction by permittees of the discharge of pollutants in stormwater to the maximum...

Anaheim State-of-the-Art Water Treatment Plant?Six Years from Conception to Completion
After six years of intensive planning, budgeting, pilot testing, design, and construction, the City of Anaheim, California, has successfully completed the modifications to the 15 mgd Lenain...

Use of Reclaimed Water in Cooling Towers
The Mobil Oil Torrance Refinery is a modem fuels refinery in Los Angeles County. Like all crude oil refineries, it requires a reliable supply of water for process cooling, steam generation,...

The Fabric Dyers' Use of Recycled Water
Tuftex Industries manufactures both residential and commercial carpets. As a Division of Queen Carpets, Tuftex is the largest carpet manufacturer on the West Coast and part of the fourth...

Conjunctive Water Use Transforms a California Desert
An area doing multi-billion dollar recreational and agricultural business in the Southern California Sonoran desert owes its existence and well being to two things?wise water planning...

ASR Case Study?City of Salem, Oregon
The City of Salem, Oregon is developing an Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) system to provide a 20 mgd capacity, 440 mg volume, emergency storage and peak day supplementary supply. When...

A DEM Based Hydrologic and Sediment Transport Model
A DEM-based, physically-distributed model was developed for simulating event runoff and erosion on an agricultural watershed. Runoff was described using the diffusion equation with flow...

Effects of Spatial Data Resolution and Subarea Size on a Distributed Runoff Model
Spatial data layers of elevation, land use, and soils for a small agricultural watershed in Pennsylvania were used to study the effect of resolution degradation of raster data on the output...





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