Mapping Groundwater Vulnerability to Nitrate and Pesticide Contamination in the Salinas Valley, Monterey County, California
This paper describes the approach and the associated investigation leading to the development of groundwater vulnerability maps for a critical water supply region in the Monterey County....

Juvenile Fish Separator Design
Separation by size of downstream migrant juvenile salmonids at hydroelectric projects in the Columbia River basin is an integral part of transportation and bypass programs. However, separation...

White River Fish Screen Project Planning and Design
In 1983, Puget Sound Power and Light Company (Puget Power) submitted a license application to FERC for the overall White River Project. One of the elements of the project application was...

Comparison of Water Backwash and Brush Cleaning Systems for Vertical Panel Fish Screens
Vertical plate fish screens have been installed at a number of locations within the Pacific Northwest The vertical orientation of the screen panels requires screen cleaning systems designed...

Flooding from Rain-on-Snow Events in the Sierra Nevada
The most damaging floods in rivers of the Sierra Nevada of California have occurred during warm storms when rain fell in snow covered catchments. These large floods in the major tributaries...

Estimation of Flash Flood Potential for Large Areas
A methodology for determining the potential for flash floods in small basins within large geographical areas is presented. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology is used to...

1995: Where the Past (Paleoflood Hydrology) Meets the Present, Understanding Maximum Flooding
Paleoflood hydrology has become accepted in the scientific, engineering, and regulatory communities and increasingly is being used to complement engineering hydrology throughout the Rocky...

Scour Study for Bridge Design on Temecula Creek
Channel-bed scour was studiedfor the proposed new Pala Road Bridge on Temecula Creek in Riverside County, California. In order to determine the general scour, sediment transport and potential...

Development and Application of a Dual Drainage Model for the Wethersfield Area of the City of Hartford, Connecticut
A combined system, with overflows, existed in the City of Hartford, Connecticut. Although effective in the context of design standards prevailing at the time of its original design, the...

Pipe Network Analysis and Design in Developing Regions. Case Study: Novokuznetsk, Siberia
Pipe network analysis, design and optimization in developing countries poses some unique problems, yet, is of paramount importance. Under these conditions, there is frequently only sparse...

Periodic Variation in Karst Stream Losses
A cave taking water from an ephemeral stream periodically reroutes surface and subsurface drainage because of a plug that forms 10 m below the main entrance to the cave. The plug of sand,...

Aquifer Transmissivity Computations Based on Data from Pump-and-Treat Facilities
Contamination from petroleum hydrocarbons spilled from USTs is a concern in urban areas that depend on shallow unconfined aquifers for their water supply. Studies on the transmissivity...

Managing Great Lakes Water Levels: An International Partnership
During this century, the levels of two of the Great Lakes have been regulated; Lake Superior since 1921 and Lake Ontario since 1960. The regulation is directed by the International Joint...

Estimation of the Probable Maximum Rainfall and Snowmelt Floods Via Physically Based Model of River Runoff Generation
Disastrous floods can be caused by unusual combinations of hydrometeorological factors and river basin conditions that have not been observed during a long observation period. The physically-based...

Accidental Situations: Application of Surface-Water Monitoring Data
Under severe manmade environmental changes, nature-protective activities serve to effectively solve a triune task: conservation and recovery of environmental ecosystems, safety of man...

System of River Floods Warning in Ukraine
The diversity of climatic, geomorphologic, and soil conditions causes significant space differences in the conditions of river flood formation in Ukraine. The Carpathians region is the...

Application of GIS Technology to Floodplain & Habitat Analyses
A long-term flood control and maintenance plan for the Mojave River, located in southern California, is currently being developed to satisfy permit requirements for state and federal regulatory...

Water Resources Investigation Along Salt River in Phoenix and Tempe Area
The Salt River originates in the White Mountains of eastern Arizona and drains westward through the Phoenix metropolitan area to its confluence with the Gila River approximately 15 miles...

Optimizing Municipal Wastewater Treatment in Cold Climates: Scale, Process and Benefits
Although conventional wisdom demands large, centralized facilities for municipal sewage treatment, much has recently been made of the potential of low tech, decentralized systems for wastewater...

Physical Distribution System Models for Assessing the Impact of Water Quality on Regrowth and Corrosion
Over the past several years, there have been several new and proposed Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) regulations that will require many water utilities to modif treatment operations to...





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