Development of Long-Term Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamics in Long Island Sound for Use in Water Quality Modeling
The Blumberg-Mellor (1987) three-dimensional hydrodynamic model has been adapted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Ocean Service (NOS) to provide hydrodynamic...

Modeling Ecological Impacts of Destratification
Artificial destratification has long been advocated as a means of improving water quality in lakes and reservoirs. The results have been varied with examples of both water quality improvement...

Water Quality Enhancement Technology for River-Reservoir Systems
Water quality enhancement technology is applied to a wide variety of field conditions in surface waters including rivers, lakes and reservoir epiliminia, lake and reservoir hypolimnia,...

Roiled Waters: Water Politics in the 1990s
In the spring of 1994, San Diego got a reprieve from meeting the Clean Water Act's secondary-treatment requirements. For six years city officials had battled the Environmental...

Analysis and Computation
This proceedings, Analysis and Computation consists of papers presented at the Eleventh Analysis and Computation Conference (formerly Electronic...

Computer-Integrated Construction
Computers have been used quite successfully as replacements for manual drafting, but to stop there seriously underuses the potential of computer aided design. By using the computer's...

Chicago Automates Expressway Lanes
Chicago motorists will soon reclaim another rebuilt expressway in October with substantial completion of a $450 million, 7.5 mi portion of I90/94, the John F. Kennedy Expressway. The two...

Transportation Planning and Air Quality II
This proceedings, Transportation Planning and Air Quality II, consists of papers presented and notes taken from breakout sessions at the National...

Environmental Campus for EPA
Green design, fiscal responsibility and a new Corps of Engineers value engineering program come together in EPA's $240 million new central research campus to be built in North...

Existing Sewer Evaluation and Rehabilitation
This manual, Existing Sewer Evaluation and Rehabilitation, Second Edition, provides general guidance and serves as a source of information...

Information, Global-Style
The quality, timeliness and accuracy of information can give an international architectural, engineering and consulting firm a distinct competitive advantage, and the wrong system can...

Quality Assurance for Hazardous-Waste Projects
An important aspect of an environmental Quality Assurance (QA) Program, as with any system designed to improve quality of performance, is the specification of objectives which, if met,...

Using Geographic Information Systems for Traffic Control Inventory Management
Present city traffic control inventory systems lack flexibility, user friendliness, and many have become obsolete because they were originally designed in haphazard ways - thus providing...

Using the 1985 HCM, PASSER and TRANSYT in Harmony
Throughout the last decade, the City of DeKalb Engineering Division has embarked on a program to address their highly variable traffic demands with comprehensive signal system projects...

Development of Self-Organizing Traffic Control System Using Neural Network Model
This paper is concerned with developing a self-organizing traffic control system using a neural network model, a multilayer network model. The neural network inputs the control variables,...

The Permanent Traffic Count Analysis Package
The data management of traffic volume counts can be so overwhelming that limited time and effort is spent collecting and saving traffic counts. With the use of computer technology, however,...

A Calibration Process for Automatic Incident Detection Algorithms
This paper describes the development of a general method for the calibration of Automatic Incident Detection algorithms. A simple structure of freeway traffic data adapted to this process...

Data Validation Practices and Risk Assessment
The accuracy of environmental site assessments depends on the validity of the data used to make them, but all too often, the people who judge the quality of the data have little idea of...

Buildings with Response Control Systems in Japan
Today, there are more than 30 buildings with response control systems. The system is defined as one that suppresses or controls the response to the vibrational motion input of the buildings,...

Observed Response of Actively Controlled Structures
Several active control systems have been developed, fabricated, and installed in full-scale structures and they have been subjected to actual wind forces and ground motions. The focus...





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