Identifying the True Issues of Hydropower Resource Development in an Era of Public and Regulatory Policy Transition
The last several years have produced changes in public and regulatory policy that have provided for increased roles and participation of resource agencies, Native Americans, and the public...

Sno Water Led Coordinated Water System Planning
The designation of a Critical Water Supply Service Area (CWSSA) which leads to Coordinated Water Planning evolved from problems recognized much earlier. Regional water suppliers in Snohomish...

The Department of Health's Role in Implementing the Coordination Act in North Snohomish County
A coordinated water system plan in north Snohomish County resulted in development of uniform minimum design standards, a decrease in the number of new small water systems and regional...

Strategies for Developing Major Capital Facilities
Siting, permitting, and mitigating impacts present many challenges during the development of major capital facilities. As a result of the need for public involvement, environmental review,...

The City of Los Angeles Gray Water Pilot Project Shows Safe Use of Gray Water is Possible
A year-long study of eight residential gray water systems was conducted in the City of Los Angeles. Soils irrigated with gray water were compared monthly with soils irrigated with municipal...

Impact of Groundwater Management Act and CAP Water Supply on Agricultural Water Conservation Programs
Irrigation districts in central Arizona have increased the tax assessments for their farms to pay for distribution systems to deliver Central Arizona Project (CAP) water. Many farms must...

Price Elasticity and Conservation Potential
Water conservation programs usually contain pricing incentives for users to limit water consumption. This analysis uses data from the Portland, Oregon water system as an example of both...

Development and Implementation of Stormwater Utilities in Texas Cities
As more Cities begin to understand and feel the financial impact of EPA's Non-Point Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater regulations on their budgets, many are turning to stormwater...

ASCE Annual Combined Index 1992
The ASCE Annual Index-1992 provides a guide to the material appearing in publications of the American Society of Civil Engineers published...

NOISE?A Comprehensive Software Library for Highway Noise Analysis
The Noise Software Library is a collection of highway noise analysis software tools that are arranged together under a powerful file management system which provides a transparent method...

Public Utilities GIS: Promises and Pitfalls
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and public utilities are natural partners. Municipal public utilities departments and other public works agencies rely on geographical information...

POE System Development Using Personal Computers
This is a report concerning personal computer utilization such as CAD and spreadsheets which are often used establish the investigation, analysis and evaluation method. These are based...

The California Smart Traveler 1993 Status Report
California's Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is teaming with public and private organizations in the research and development of Smart Traveler systems to provide operators, passengers...

Evaluation Plan for AVL Implementations
The Federal Transit Administration, as part of the Advanced Public Transportation Systems program (a component of the Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems initiative), is conducting the...

Evaluating the Use of Smart Card Systems in the Provision of Rural and Small Urban Transit Services
The overall aim of this paper is to provide assistance and direction to persons interested in assessing the use of smart card systems and other advanced public transportation systems (APTS)....

Private Sector Role in Infrastructure Renewal: Challenges and Opportunities
In order to solve the problem infrastructure renewal it is necessary to get leadership from both public and private sectors. This paper looks at how the private sector can play a role...

French Road Works and Public Transport Investments
A detailed analysis of public highways and urban public transport investments over the period 1984-88, in sixteen French cities, has enabled us to conclude that these expenditures are...

Patterns in the History of the Urban Infrastructure
Infrastructure construction has been marked not only by a cyclical funding pattern but also by occasional shifts in regard to government level of provision. That is, while some infrastructure...

The Pittsburgh Maglev Project
MAGLEV, Inc. is a public/private/labor partnership created in response to the ever growing need to provide new transportation solutions to the escalating problem of highway and airport...

Aesthetics in High Speed Rail Projects
Aesthetics is critical to the public acceptance and quality of the experience of a high-speed rail system. Social, functional, visual, kinetic, and symbolic aesthetics have specific design...





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