Cost of Rehabilitation of Water Distribution Systems
The Chester Water Authority was established in 1868 and supplies water to residential and industrial customers in three counties in Southeastern Pennsylvania, and in addition, wholesales...

Water Main Rehabilitation Using Silicote Lining
In an attempt to find a cost effective rehabilitation alternative for over 320 miles of unlined distribution water main, the Louisville Water Company has evaluated a new rehabilitation...

Infrared Thermographic Sensing of Sewer Pipeline Problems
When a sewer caves in, it often takes the street, sidewalks, and surrounding buildings along for the ride. These collapses endanger public health and safety. Repairing a sewer before such...

Seattle Swings Again
The 1992 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award went to a bridge that the experts said couldn't be built�a concrete segmental box girder swing bridge with twin leaves...

Durability Failure of a Concrete Block Port Pavement
A concrete block port pavement began showing distress after 7.5 years of use. Initial repair attempts found extensive areas of deterioration. The concrete blocks were cracking, spalling,...

Forensic Analysis of a Two-Component Joint Sealant Using FTIR-ATR
Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy using Attenuated Total Internal Reflectance (FTIR-ATR) was used to chemically identify joint sealants obtained from an airfield pavement joint which...

Forensic Analysis Techniques for Joint Sealants
Growing concerns involving the field performance of pavement joint sealant materials has illustrated the need for forensic capabilities in determining the cause of sealant failures. Methods...

Reliability-Based Design for Feeeze-Thaw Concrete
Observation of pavements in Iowa shows results from the test for freezing and thawing of concrete, ASTM C-666, is not always consistent with field performance. Similar concrete made with...

Polyolefin Plastic Water Service Line Performance
Polyolefin (PO) plastic piping made from polyethylene (PE) and polybutylene (PB) materials have been used in diameters of about 1 in. for water service lines for buildings. Both PE and...

Feasibility of FRP Molded Grating-Concrete Composites for One-Way Slab Systems
This paper describes the behavior of one-way concrete slabs reinforced with Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) molded grating. FRP molded grating is commercially available and is mainly...

Turning on the Waterworks
A new tunnel, two pumping stations, reservoirs and 150 mi of pipe have 23 municipalities in DuPage County, Illinois awash in Lake Michigan water, ahead of schedule and under budget. Bringing...

Migration of Spilled Oil from Ruptured Underground Crude Oil Pipelines in the Memphis Area
This study evaluated the impact of an oil pipeline rupture in the recharge area of a West Tennessee aquifer. Two potential break locations were chosen in the alluvial valley of a main...

Earthquake Countermeasures for Lifelines in the Central and Eastern United States
Seismic hazards affecting petroleum transmission systems in the Central U.S. and water and gas distribution systems in the Eastern U.S. are discussed. Experience during previous earthquakes...

Dallas Goes Trenchless
Dallas Water Utilities (DWU) has stopped relying solely on traditional open-cut trenching methods. Instead, we look to trenchless technologies to minimize costs and disruption to the public....

Performance and Prevention of Deficiencies and Failures
This proceedings, Materials: Performance and Prevention of Deficiencies and Failures, contains papers presented at the 1992 Materials Engineering...

Pipeline Storm Behavior on Clay Soils
A series of transverse wave loading tests was conducted on a specially mounted section of pipe in a sediment-filled tank, to investigate the stability of unburied submarine pipelines under...

Upper Bound Limit Analysis of Deep Skirt Structures' Foundations
A solution to the problem of determining the bearing capacity of an embedded footing (foundation) subjected to arbitrary loading is being presented herein. It is primarily intended for...

Simplified Methods for Assessment of the Structural Integrity of Existing Steel Jacket Platforms in the Gulf of Mexico
This paper presents the results of research to define a practical procedure for assessment of the structural integrity of existing steel jacket platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. An overview...

Skin Friction Distrtibutions on Piles in Sand
Presented in this paper are early results from an analytical investigation of the performance of a closed-ended pipe pile under monotonic axial loading in dense sand. The study was performed...

Review of API Guidelines for Pipe Piles in Sand
Most offshore structures are supported using steel pipe piles which are designed in accord with API Recommended Practice 2A. The guidelines for analysis of axial capacity of steel pipe...





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