The Bureau of Reclamation in Transition
Recognizing and responding to the changing climate in water resources, the Bureau of Reclamation recently launched a massive effort to redirect the agency's traditional mission....

The Changing Role of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
The Bureau's reorganization will enable it to more effectively and efficiently meet changing water resources needs in the western states. The new role of the Bureau is particularly...

Probabilistic Maintenance Opportunities
The Bureau of Reclamation has instituted a number of operation and maintenance oversight activities to ensure that Reclamation and water-user operated projects are operated and maintained...

Water Quality Modeling Using a Small Watershed Model (SWAM)
The Small Watershed Model (SWAM) is a state-of-the-art model that simulates the movement of water, sediment, and chemicals through a small, mixed-land-use watershed. It was developed to...

Submerged Flow in Parshall Flumes
Recent data collected in a 1-foot Parshall flume located in the Bureau of Reclamation's hydraulic laboratory indicate a significant discontinuity in the discharge/submergence...

Plasma Processing of Lunar Ilmenite to Produce Oxygen
In order to make a space industry economic, a reliable extraterrestrial source of oxygen must be identified for immediate use. Lunar ilmenite has recently been considered as a candidate...

Development of a Two-Stage Membrane-Based Wash-Water Reclamation Subsystem
A two-stage membrane-based subsystem was designed and constructed to enable the recycle of wash waters generated in space. The first stage is a fouling-resistant tube-side-feed hollow-fiber...

Wastewater Recycle/Reuse: Lessons-Learned from USA-CERL Research and Development
Ultimate acceptance of water recycle/reuse by the scientific community is a function of rigorous data collection and successful demonstration regarding health effects. An uncomplicated,...

Garbage Management in Japan: Leading the Way
Excerpts from a book that details how land-poor Japan has less garbage problems than the land rich United States. Chapter Six, Incineration, is excerpted. In Japan, incineration is regarded...

Reusing Water
The disaster wreaked by what experts are calling the worst drought to hit the U.S. in 50 years has underscored what forward thinkers have been saying: conservation, including water reuse,...

Bureau of Reclamation's High Plains States Ground Water Recharge Program
The Bureau of Reclamation is conducting a two-phase program to demonstrate the feasibility of recharging declining aquifers in the 17 western states. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS),...

Ground Water Recharge and Management Under the Small Reclamation Projects Act
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation through its Small Reclamation Loan Program is providing needed Federal financial and technical assistance to water users in Southern California to help ease...

Reclamation's Recharge Projects: California-Nevada
Under the High Plains States Groundwater Demonstration Program, the Bureau of Reclamation has recommended construction of 21 projects in 17 western states. The projects contain technical...

Artificial Recharge Research at the University of Arizona
This paper summarizes pit- and well-recharge trials at Tucson, Arizona. The pit recharge trials examined management techniques and characterized flow patterns in the 80 ft thick vadose...

Ground Water Recharge with Sewage Effluent
Recharge systems for soil-aquifer treatment (SAT) of conventionally treated sewage effluent typically remove essentially all suspended solids, biodegradable material (BOD) and microorganisms...

Analysis of Hydraulic Impacts at the Tucson Reclaimed Water Recharge Project
The Tucson Reclaimed Water Recharge site has been implemented with increasingly sophisticated calculation methods as data collection efforts advanced. Initial project scoping utilized...

Reclaimed Water System with Artificial Recharge
Arizona cities must reduce water consumption as a result of the 1980 Arizona Ground Water Management Act. Use of reclaimed water in place of potable water for landscape irrigation and...

Health Effects of Ground Water Recharge
A five year multidisciplinary research project was conducted to evaluate the health significance of using treated wastewater for ground water replenishment. The focus of the study was...

Artificial Recharge to the Floridan Aquifer System, Orlando Area, Central Florida
Approximately 400 drainage wells exist in Orange County, central Florida. The rate of recharge through drainage wells is limited by the rate of surface flow to the wells; the hydraulic...

Artificial Ground Water Recharge in Southern California
This paper presents an overview of past, present, and future ground water recharge practices and looks at future plans in Southern California. Types of sites discussed include basins,...





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