A Physical-Chemical Interpretation of Mean and Extreme Values in Acid Precipitation
A physical-chemical model is used for the interpretation of mean and extreme concentrations in acid precipitation. Chemical concentration frequency distributions tend to be skewed, as...

Benefits of Particle Size Management for Biological Wastewater Treatment
Particle size distributions in wastewater can be used to monitor and model the transformations that occur during wastewater treatment processes. Typical size distributions of organic contaminants...

Oil Spill Detection by NOAA/AVHRR on Persian Gulf
An area of oil spills on the Persian Gulf was detected by the thermal-infrared channels of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on NOAA-7. AVHRR gives the temperatures of the...

Stormwater Routing for Small Sites
Traditional hydrologic analyses and detention design procedures are too time consuming and costly to be warranted for small projects. This paper discusses a direct solution for sizing...

Estimating Peak Flow Reduction in Small Reservoirs
A microcomputer program is used to provide a simple and rapid estimate of the peak outflow from such reservoirs. Peak flow values, determined by flood frequency analysis or regional flood...

Integrated Hydrothermodynamic Study of Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant
The results of hydrothermodynamic analyses and computer models discussed in previous papers are combined to present an integrated study supporting a request for alternative thermal limits...

Boundary Shear Stress in a Meandering Channel
Longitudinal and transverse velocity, bed shear, and water surface elevation were studied in a fixed-bed, meandering, laboratory channel with naturally varying, non-prismatic cross sectional...

Computer Simulation of Coagulation
Coagulation, the process of collision and coalescence of particles, modifies the size distribution of the suspended mass, continuously creating larger particles which may settle out of...

Particle Sizes in Flocculation and Sedimentation: Models and Experiments
D. F. Lawler et al. developed a model for flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration and predicted the effects of particle size distribution and concentration of the influent in water...

Biological Evaluation of Angled Screen Test Facility
The paper presents comparisons of model and prototype measurements as a means for evaluating the ability of a physical model to reproduce a geometrically complex prototype thermal intake...

Hydrothermal Model Study of Stratified Flow in a Power Plant Cooling Water Recycle/Intake Canal: Reynolds and Densimetric Froude Number Effects
During the winter of 1983-1984, the control of frazil ice at the trash tracks using pneumatic air guns was evaluated at Danskammer Point Generating Station. This paper presents a brief...

Intakes for Low Head Hydro Plants
The design of hydro intakes is usually based on a desire to achieve low intake losses and an acceptable approach flow distribution to the turbine. Generally, velocities in the intake canal...

Hydraulics of Broad Crested Weirs
The paper presents a general, basic discussion of the title subject. It begins with a definition for the broad crested weir and analytical concepts. Subjects covered subsequently include...

Velocity Distribution Factor Constraints
It has been customary to introduce the velocity distribution factors alpha and beta into the energy and momentum equations so as to avoid the integration associated with variations in...

Microcomputer Graphics Flood Stationarity Test
Only records that correspond with present river conditions should be used with flood frequency analysis when forecasting. A microcomputer test is discussed which aids in selecting appropriate...

Particles, Pretreatment, and Performance in Water Filtration
Relationships among raw water quality, pretreatment facilities, and the design of packed bed filters are presented and applied. The particle size, particle concentration, particle surface...

Effects of Streambed Processes on Interaction Between Surface and Groundwater
In open channel systems, the phenomena commonly referred to as 'clogging' is caused by settling of sediment and straining of suspended material as water moves...

Strength of Soils in Terms of Effective Stress
The factors that determine soil strength, such as amount of confinement, density, particle size distribution, mineral friction, aging, particle crushing, and others, produce their effects...

Advances in Short Span Steel Bridges
Applying recent research to the design of short span steel bridges can lower their cost and maintenance. Such research involves improved limit state criteria, more uniform lateral load...

An Extreme-Value Model for Strength of Stiff Clays
The role of the distribution function in the safety analysis of soil structures is briefly discussed. Comparison of the two statistical distributions - normal and Weibull - reveals that...





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