Lead Isotopic Composition of Paleozoic and Late Proterozoic Marine Carbonate Rocks in the Vicinity of Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Paleozoic and Late Proterozoic marine carbonate rocks (limestones, dolomites, and their metamorphic equivalents) cropping out in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain contain lead with an isotopic...

Ecological Risk Assessment of Proposed Deep Geologic Disposal of High-Level Nuclear Waste in Canada
Using population dynamic models of moose and brook trout, and assuming topographic, hydrographic and other habitat features typical of the Canadian Shield in Ontario, we have estimated...

Mercury Porosimetry Studies on a Natural Fracture
Mercury porosimetry techniques were used to study the effects of stress on the capillary pressure characteristics of a single natural fracture. In addition, permeability measurements were...

HWVP Compliance with the Hanford Site Solid Waste Acceptance Criteria
This report describes the Hanford Waste Vitrification project (HWVP), which will be located at the Haford Site. The Hanford Site encompasses a 560-mi2...

Tolerance Requirements for Remote Handling at the Hanford Vitrification Project
A new and innovative approach to installation of the many remote nozzles and electrical connectors that must be installed to demanding tolerances has been developed by the architect/engineer...

An Isolated Wetland Used for Stormwater Treatment
A marsh used for stormwater management showed gradually increasing levels of pH, dissolved oxygen and conductivity in the flow path. The system was especially effective in removing suspended...

Water Quality Impacts from Development of Port Ludlow, Washington
Port Ludlow Bay is a tidal estuary located adjacent to Admiralty Inlet in Puget Sound, Washington. A planned development has been under construction along the bay since 1976. A 0.64 mgd...

Water Quality Model of the Chicago Waterway
In 1992, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (the District) developed a QUAL2E water quality model of the Chicago waterway and Upper Illinois waterway. The model...

Seasonal Water Quality Management Given Sparse Data
An approach for designing robust seasonal water quality management programs for river basins with sparse or short flow records is presented. This approach uses Markov chain modelling and...

A Planning Strategy for Safe Drinking Water Act Compliance
This paper presents a simple planning strategy for drinking water utilities that will allow them to move ahead with system upgrades and specific regulatory compliance programs even though...

Investigation and Rehabilitation of the Moses Lake Larson Wellfield
In 1988, low levels of trichloroethylene (TCE) were detected in several of the Larson wells operated by the City of Moses Lake. The wells are up to 800 feet deep and are completed in fractured...

Strategies for Developing Major Capital Facilities
Siting, permitting, and mitigating impacts present many challenges during the development of major capital facilities. As a result of the need for public involvement, environmental review,...

The West Point Story?Chapter 1: Overview and Planning
The West Point wastewater treatment plant is the Seattle metropolitan area's largest wastewater treatment plant, and it is being upgraded to provide secondary treatment. The planning,...

The West Point Story?Chapter 2: Project Management Approach
In 1985, serving as the program lead, Metro contracted with Lewis Zimmerman Associates to conduct a formal facility planning effort for the West Point wastewater treatment plant. It was...

The West Point Story?Chapter 3: An Integrated Park and Treatment Plant
The West Point Wastewater treatment plant in Seattle sits on a small parcel of land that juts out into Puget Sound. In 1984, controversy erupted when Seattle Metro recognized that West...

The West Point Story?Chapter 4: Design
Metro's approach to design was one of integrated environmental and plant design. The project team, with guidance from the community and the city's parks department, established goals before...

The West Point Story?Chapter 5: Construction
As design of the West Point plant neared completion, the municipality of Seattle addressed construction of the facilities. The challenge was to build a complex wastewater treatment plant...

Low Flush Plumbing Fixtures and Wastewater Systems
The significance of low flush plumbing fixtures on the wastewater collection and treatment system serving a small community has been determined. Among the concerns studied were: functional...

Use of a Statistical Model to Forecast Future Wastewater Flows
Future wastewater flows are generally predicted based upon an assumed rate of population and industry growth within a treatment facility's area of influence. In a community with limited...

Challenges in Implementing the Use of Reclaimed Water
The State of Washington is currently in the process of adopting standards for use of reclaimed water on land. CH2M HILL recently has finished two feasibility level studies for reuse projects...





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