Gabions and Geogrids
The century-old gabion concept can be improved upon by adding geogrid reinforcement to the soil embankments the gabion wall is designed to support. The grids add stability to the embankment...

Stability of Accropode(R) and Comparison with Parallelepipedic Block
This paper describes the tests which were performed on physical models with irregular waves, to determine the hydraulic stability of the Accropode(R)...

Experimental Research on Groyne Stability Under Very Oblique Wave Action
Most of the experimental research concerning the stability of coastal structures is focused on normal wave incidence. However, many of these structures are subject to waves which run predominantly...

Electrokinetic Cleanups
Electrokinetic remediation of contaminated soils is a relatively new research area. Electrokinetic phenomena can be used to create barriers, and move particles, including pollutants such...

Seismic Assessment of Tailings Dams
A significant portion of the operating and closed large dams in North America are tailings dams used to impound wastes from mining operations. Often these dams were built by mine personnel...

Tying Back a Landslide
A slope covered with landslide debris is never the most desirable site on which to build, but sometimes it is the only one available. For the Forks of Butte hydroelectric power project,...

The Effect of Loading Rate on the Bending Strength of Alluvium Reinforced Ice
Traditional building materials are often less than ideal for construction in remote Arctic locations. Their mechanical properties may be degraded in extreme cold, and costs associated...

Experimental Study of Adfreeze Heaving of Augered Caisson Footings
In order to establish the required depth of augered caisson-type footings in cold regions and their optimal design against adfreeze heaving, an experimental field investigation has been...

River Ice Cover Cracking for Various Boundary Conditions
The breakup of river ice covers is commonly initiated by the formation of cracks parallel to river banks. These cracks usually result from a change in the water level due to a rapid rising...

Earth Walls: Making the Right Choice
Earth walls are retaining walls where the ground assumes a load-bearing role. These walls either support compacted earth (embankment-type reinforced compacted earth walls such as Doublewal...

Dallas' Flood Caverns
Dallas' North Central Expressway floods during heavy rains, but the dense development that helps create excessive runoff also precludes large detention ponds. The high-quality,...

Active Control of Structures with Soil-Structure Interaction
The objective of this paper is investigate the effect of soil flexibility on the performance of the active control system for seismic-excited buildings. By using the critical-mode control...

Parallel Processing in Water Management
The introduction of parallel processing as an alternative to super-computing provides opportunities for rapid numerical integration of equations describing open-channel hydrodynamics....

Field Measurement of Surface Flows in Shallow Estuaries
This paper summarizes our first-year results of an ongoing multi-discipline project, which examines the physical processes of wetlands erosion and loss in coastal Louisiana. Our task is...

An Expert System for the Planning and Design of Flood Control Channels
The planning and design of flood control channels often calls for the evaluation of a unique set of physical conditions which do not lend themselves to standard designs. Consequently,...

A Comparison of Accuracies of Steady Water Surface Profiles
The author compares the effect of varying boundary conditions and cross sectional spacing on one dimensional steady water surface profiles. Six streams are modeled using both the 10 and...

A Control Method for On-Demand Operation of Open-Channel Flow
This paper proposes a control system for the automatic operation of an open channel having upstream and downstream gates. The main issue is the use of a discrete-time algorithm which computes,...

Nonlinearities and Imperfections in Creep Stability
The effects of material and geometric nonlinearities and imperfections on the 'safe-load-limit' and the 'safe-service-period' of structures...

Minimum Required Lateral Stiffness of Structures
In this paper an approximate method is presented to calculate the minimum lateral stiffness required to insure global structural stability. The technique is based on setting the critical...

Large Displacement Analysis for Structural Stability Problems
In this paper, two widely different methods of large displacement analyses are considered. The first is a discrete element analysis which is particularly effective for line structures...





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