When the Well Runs Dry Paying for Storm Water
Much will be said during this conference about the need for various structural and nonstructural approaches toward mitigating problems related to storm water quality and quantity management....

Managing Stormwater with a Microcontroller Operated System
Concepts of managing urban stormwater runoff with a microcontroller operated flow control system are presented. The microcontroller system allows flexible and precise flow control from...

Urban Runoff and the Environment
This paper discusses complex water quality problems, including management of urban runoff. Mathematical modelling is used to asses runoff quantity and quality. Environmental impact...

Marketing Strategies for Engineers
Engineers face the constant challenge of informing the public and their potential users of their capabilities and the benefits that may be achieved from their services. Marketing...

NOISE?A Comprehensive Software Library for Highway Noise Analysis
The Noise Software Library is a collection of highway noise analysis software tools that are arranged together under a powerful file management system which provides a transparent method...

The Automation of Freeway Ramp Junctions Analysis
Congestion on urban freeways has been steadily increasing. In contrast, capacity expansion, by means of constructing new roadways, has not kept pace with the growth in demand. The primary...

Managing AutoCAD and Intergraph MicroStation Systems
The reality today is that Computer Aided Design information is being transferred from one CAD system to another. More often, sharing CAD information among the design team requires multiple...

Multiple Objectives, Uncertainty and Routing Decisions for Hazardous Materials Shipments
Explicit consideration of multiple objectives and uncertainty is important in hazardous materials transportation, particularly in regulating routes or making routing decisions. Application...

Computerized Approach for Forecasting the Rate of Cost Escalation
This paper reviews the treatment of escalation in construction costs. The causes of escalation are outlined and the effect of escalation on the contractor and the owner is discussed. Various...

Simulation of ATIS Strategies to Mitigate Special Event Congestion
This research extends the performance and application of DYNASMART, a dynamic traffic simulation model which incorporates the three elements necessary for modeling traffic flow under information:...

Interactive Simulation for Modeling Dynamic Driver Behavior in Response to ATIS
It has been contended that in-laboratory experimentation with interactive microcomputer simulation can substitute for the lack of real-world applications and provide a useful approach...

Algorithms for Efficient Real-time Traffic Assignment
Fast algorithms are essential to accomplish real-time traffic assignment for optimal routing or traffic prediction under ATMS/ATIS. User-equilibrium and system-optimal traffic assignment...

A Real-Time Expert System for Freeway Incident Management in Orange County, California
This paper discusses the development of a prototype, multi-user, networked, real-time knowledge-based expert system (KBES) to provide decision support to California Department of Transportation...

Quality Control and Constructability of Slabs on Grade With Expert Systems
Constructability and quality control problems associated with the construction of slabs on grade are many. They vary from problems associated with cracking, scaling, dusting and spalling,...

User-Friendly Simulation Model for Traffic Networks with ATIS/ATMS
Implementation of ATIS (Advanced Traffic Information Systems) and/or ATMS (Advanced Traffic Management Systems) are proceeding in many cities around the world, but only very few frameworks...

Framework for an Automated Quality Control System in Working Drawing Production
CAD use for the planning, design, construction and operation of buildings continues to expand at a rapid pace throughout the industry. While CAD applications include a variety of uses...

Total Quality Management for Information Technology
Recently, there has been an increased awareness in the AEC firms toward Total Quality Management (TQM). Many AEC firms and the public sector started to look seriously at TQM. The reason...

Using an Object-Oriented System and a Conceptual Building Model to Represent Architectural Information During Early Design Phases
In this paper we are to present an object-oriented system based on a conceptual building model for handling architectural information during early design phases. This system and model...

The Design and Installation of a Distributed Controls System at the Bissell Point Wastewater Treatment Plant: A Case Study
The Bissell Point Wastewater Treatment Plant is undergoing a $210 million dollar change, which includes a new Distributed Controls System (DCS). The new DCS is being installed in phases...

Order of Magnitude Reasoning for Qualitative Matrix Structural Analysis
Several computational schemes have recently been proposed to adapt Qualitative Reasoning for Structural Engineering applications. One current methodology. Qualitative Matrix Analysis (QMA),...





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