Hydraulic Design Aspects of the Boston Outfall
The diffuser outfall under design for Boston must have the ability to be purged of seawater upon commissioning or following an accidental flow stoppage. The criteria governing the flushing...

Elements of a Coastal Stormwater Drainage System
Several elements in the design of a stormwater drainage system that outfalls to the ocean are discussed. The paper discusses a study conducted of the Ocean Lakes Watershed near Myrtle...

Evaluation of TR-55 on Coastal Watersheds
Results of a study of the applicability of TR-55 to coastal watersheds are presented. Historical data were used to evaluate curve number, time of concentration and unit hydrograph peak...

Coastlines of Italy
These papers were presented at Coastal Zone '89 the Sixth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management held in Charleston, South Carolina, July 11-14, 1989. This volume is a...

Coastlines of Brazil
These papers were presented at Coastal Zone '89 the Sixth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean management held in Charleston, South Carolina, July 11-14, 1989. This volume is a...

Sediment Transport Modeling
This is the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sediment Transport Modeling, held in New Orleans, Louisiana, August, 1989. It reviews the state of the art and presents the latest...

Sea Level Rise and Water Resources Management
Sea level rise due to greenhouse effect will create significant impacts on coastal water resources management. Possible future management strategies to offset salinity intrusion and to...

Performance of a Berm Roundhead in the St. George Breakwater System
A new harbor under construction on St. George Island in Alaska's Bering Sea is using the berm breakwater concept for protection from wave attack. Three breakwaters are included...

Berm Type Armor Protection for a Runway Extension at Unalaska, Alaska
A proposed runway extension located on the Aleutian islands was designed to withstand forces of Bering Sea storm generated waves using a unique armor protection concept. The proposed runway...

Building the Seven Seas
The Brookfield Zoo's Seven Seas Complex, outside of Chicago, is a combination of the Caribbean and the Pacific Northwest. Completed in May 1987, the Seven Seas Complex consists...

Japan Tunnels under the Ocean
The 54 km Seikan Tunnel, the longest undersea railroad in the world, opened in March. The tunnel, which connects Japan's two largest islands, Hakkaido and Honshu, is part...

Trace Elements and Pesticides in Salton Sea Area, California
Concentrations of numerous potentially toxic trace elements and pesticides were determined in water, sediment, and biota from the Salton Sea area in southestern California. Comparison...

Stream Flow Model for a Coastal Stream in Egypt
The Coastal region north of Egypt contains many small streams known as Wadis which are considered the main water resources in that region. All the Wadis in the north coast of Egypt run...

A Marina Model of Continuous Loads and Equilibrium
For projects requiring dredge and fill permits from the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (FDER) the impact on water quality is one of the primary areas of concern which must...

Quality Changes of River Rhine and Meuse Water Upon Basin Recharge in the Netherlands' Coastal Dunes: 30 Years of Experience
A wide spectrum of quality changes of river Rhine and Meuse water is presented, on a global scale after pre-treatment, dune infiltration and post-treatment. Attention is focussed on the...

Artificial Recharge and Conjunctive Use Management?North Central Coastal Basins of California
Traditional water supplies supporting central California coastal agriculture are derived from the underflow in alluvial stream beds. Such supplies have been adequate in the past but are...

Artificial Recharge with Imported and Reclaimed Waters in Central and West Coast Basins of Los Angeles County
Since 1952 over 4,000,000 acre-feet of imported water and reclaimed waste water have been purchased to recharge the ground waters of the Central and West Coast Basins of Los Angeles County....

Chasing Birds from Oil Spills?Two Experiments
Two Canadian studies that addressed different aspects of this problem were conducted in the late 1970's. One was funded by Canadian Marine Drilling Ltd. (Canmar), who was...

The Formulation of a Comprehensive Program to Protect Marine Wildlife Resources During an Oil Spill: A Case Study in Problem Solving Through Private and Public Sector Cooperation
This paper describes a unique experiment in private and public sector cooperation which led to the formulation of a comprehensive program designed to maximize the protection accorded Southern...

A Coastal Zone Management Strategy for the Sultanate of Oman
As a further response to the pressures of development, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry has contracted the International Union for Conservation of nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)...





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