Dillon Hydroelectric Project Performance Versus Expectations
The Dillon Hydroelectric Project was commissioned in 1987. Design and construction are briefly described; plant availability is compared with design expectations; and maintenance costs...

Development of an Eicher Screen at the Elwha Dam Hydroelectric Project
The Eicher Screen is a relatively new concept for screening juvenile fish out of hydroelectric turbine penstocks. The concept was developed by Mr. George Eicher and one was recently installed...

Fish Bypass System Mathematical Models
Mathematical models for fish diversion systems based on fish behavior in conjunction with diversion system structural and hydraulic properties are developed. Guidance efficiency is described...

Hydroacoustic Evaluation of Deep and Shallow Spill as a Bypass Mechanism for Downstream Migrating Salmon at Rock Island Dam on the Columbia River
Hydroacoustic data were collected on downstream migrating juvenile salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) during the springs of 1983 and 1984, and summer 1990 at Rock Island Dam on the Columbia River...

Design Concepts for Vertical Kaplan Turbines
In this paper, some general aspects as well as selected design details of vertical Kaplan turbines are presented. The Monroe Street project which is under construction right now serves...

History of Lysimeter Design and Effects of Environmental Disturbances
A brief history of developments in lysimeter design is indicated. Disturbances introduced by the measurement system on the surrounding environment are discussed. The use of weighing lysimeters...

Development of Hanford Site Lysimeter Facilities
Lysimeters have been constructed at the Hanford Site near Richland, Washington to quantify mechanisms that affect migration of radioactive and hazardous waste in geologic media. The history...

Large, Monolithic, Weighing Lysimeters
Monolithic lysimeters preserve existing vegetation and soil properties that can be destroyed by excavation and filling. Site preparation for constructing large, monolithic lysimeters includes...

Lysimeter Use in Water Resources Research in China
The type, structure, development and application of lysimeter in China are reviewed in this paper. The construction and experimental observation of large non-weighing lysimeter in Ranzhuang...

Lysimeter Techniques and Application in India
Water is the most important resource and limiting factor for crop and industrial production in India, and agriculture is the largest consumer of water. The measurement of evapotranspiration...

Transpiration by Douglas Fir Using Lysimeters
During the spring of 1971 a 28 m Douglas fir tree was installed in a weighing lysimeter. Some details of construction are presented. The weighing mechanism consisted of eleven lengths...

Representativeness of Floating Evapotranspirometers
In the first part of the paper, the design, the working principle and the field installation of floating evapotranspirometer are described with the data logging system which delivers continuous...

Installation and Operation of Large Drainage Lysimeters on Grapes
Six large (3.05 m ? 3.66 m ? 1.83 m) drainage lysimeters were installed in 1984 in the middle of a 1.2 ha trickle irrigated experimental vineyard. Each was planted to two V. vinifera grapevines....

Prefabricated Weighing Lysimeter for Remote Research Stations
After designing and constructing several precision scale system weighing lysimeters in Southern Europe and the Middle East, the need arose for a prefabricated 'turn-key'...

Farm Irrigation Rating Index (FIRI)?A Procedure to Evaluate Both Irrigation Systems and Management
The Soil Conservation Service USDA/SCS, concentrates it's technical assistance to cooperators on improvements of on-farm irrigation systems and improvements of water management...

Operation of Irrigation System and Water Management in Low Lying Paddy Area with Creek Network
Characteristics of the operation and management of irrigation systems were analyzed in the low lying paddy area with creek networks. The irrigation system in Kubota district was chosen...

Irrigation Scheduling for Groundwater Protection
Supplemental irrigation water is necessary for the production of high quality agricultural crops. Growers in Suffolk County, New York have traditionally irrigated according to weather...

Flexible Irrigation Supply Pilot Projects?Part I: Principles
The principles are described (Part I) and illustrated with developing countries case studies (Part II) to present the techniques that economically permit the use of farmer controlled variable...

Design and Management of Drip Systems in Hawaii
In 1970, Hawaii's sugar industry began implementing drip irrigation to minimize labor requirements, improve water and nutrient application efficiencies, and maximize yields....

Determining Criteria for Operating Irrigation Systems
Operation variables involved in the management of given irrigation systems are the irrigation time and the inlet head, when sprinkling or drip methods are applied, or the time of cutoff...





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