Overview of Mathematical Models?River Nile/High Aswan Dam
This paper has been directed towards the presentation of seven reliable planning tools (mathematical models) that can be used for the investigation of the planning options facing policy...

Sacramento's Proactive Stormwater Permit Program
In January 1990, with the encouragement and assistance of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board-Central Valley Region (Regional Board), the City and County of Sacramento,...

Utilization of Stormwater Runoff to Recharge Underlying Aquifer
The expanding economy in Oman has led to rapid development in the Capital area. Water is critical to sustaining this rapid growth, and new sources of water are being sought to meet the...

Dispersion of Tracers Along the Coast of Singapore
The primary objective of the present study is to model numerically the dispersion of a cloud of fine radioactive tracers along the east coast of Singapore. The results of a hydrodynamic...

Slurry Removal From a 2-D Fluidized Region
A two-dimensional fluidization experiment is performed on fine sand with a 5.08 cm diameter source pipe with horizontally opposed orifices, 0.317 cm in diameter, spaced 5.08 cm. Slurry...

A Study on Estimation of Aquifer Parameters in Unsteady Seepage Flow
A method which automatically identifies aquifer parameters is proposed in this paper. The aim of this investigations is to estimate transmissivities and storage coefficients of unsteady...

Three-Dimensional Model of a Stratified Estuary?St. Andrew Bay System, Florida
A three-dimensional modal is applied to a northwest Florida estuary to provide the initial insights into the circulation and flushing patterns of the system. The model, developed by the...

Long-Term Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamics of Chesapeake Bay
A time-varying 3D numerical model of Chesapeake Bay has been developed to provide flow fields to a 3D water quality model of the bay. The water surface, 3D velocity field, salinity, and...

An Acoustic Doppler Discharge-Measurement System
A discharge-measurement system that uses a vessel-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler has been developed and tested by the U.S. Geological Survey. Discharge measurements using the...

Estuarine and Coastal Modeling
Estuarine and Coastal Modeling is the Proceedings for the Estuarine & Coastal Circulation and Pollution Transport Model Data Comparison...

Modeling Not By the Numbers
A model is likely to be the tool for making predictions of the ecological impact of an engineering decision. However, ecologists often find it difficult under pressures of time and lack...

Computer Watersheds
As development extends further and population densities increase, old methods of stormwater management become obsolete. Runoff from one site can cause flooding elsewhere in a watershed;...

Top Projects 1990
A dam, a bridge, an expressway, an interchange, flood control improvements, wastewater treatment and a dredged material containment embankment round out the 1990 Outstanding Civil Engineering...

Overview of International Ocean Energy Activities
An overview is presented of international research and development activities in four energy conversion areas: ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC); wave energy conversion; tidal energy...

An Update on the U.S. DOE Ocean Energy Program
This paper summarizes recent research accomplishments of the program and provides a synopsis of planned activities leading to a Net Power-Producing Experiment (NPPE), to be conducted at...

Ocean Energy Activities in China
The ocean energy will perform an important action to compensate for energy consumption. In China tidal energy was utilized early, building tidal power plants began from the nineteen fifties....

Ocean Energy Activities in Europe
This paper reviews European research and development in wave energy, ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC), and ocean tidal power. For each technology, a country-by-country summary (in...

Field Verification Experiment of a Wave Power Extracting Caisson Breakwater
The Ministry of Transport in Japan is conducting a field verification experiment of a wave power converter with a vertical breakwater called the wave power extracting caisson breakwater....

Experimental Research and Parameters Optimization of a Prototype OWC Wave Power Device
The paper presents the experimental research and parameters optimization of a prototype oscillating water column (OWC) wave power device being built in China by Guangzhou Institute of...

Study on Pneumatic Wave Power Conversion System with the Water Valve Rectifier
We experimentally and theoretically studied the energy conversion characteristics on a new type of wave power conversion system with water valves. The hydraulic model experiment was performed...





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