The Remedial Action Plan for the Fox River, Wisconsin
The nature of and need for Remedial Action Plans (RAP) in 42 areas of the Great Lakes is reviewed with special attention given to the Fox River and Lower Green Bay area. A brief historical,...

Regional Assessment of Pumpage in Southeastern Virginia
A U.S. Geological Survey investigation was conducted, in cooperation with the Virginia Water Control Board, to analyze the hydrogeology and groundwater flow system in the Coastal Plain...

Hydrologic and Hydraulic Calibration?A Case Study (a)
The Addison Creek watershed is in Cook and DuPage Counties just west of Chicago, Illinois. Because the watershed has a history of major flooding, eight major stormwater and flood control...

Water Assurance Districts: A New Concept in Local Government
Society has long utilized local governmental units to implement numerous water management functions. This paper discusses a new and relatively unique local organizational structure now...

Water Supply Critical Areas
Due to the serious overuse of groundwater resources which has led to the continued decline of the potentiometric surface of certain aquifers below sea level, and to real and potential...

Master Plan of a Reclaimed Water System
Arizona cities are under a state mandate to reduce water consumption as a result of the 1980 Arizona Groundwater Management Act. Since reclaimed water use is not included in the overall...

Artificial Recharge: Key to Scottsdale's Future
The City of Scottsdale, Arizona has begun planning its strategy for meeting its future needs by recognizing artificial recharge, subsurface storage, and recovery as an integral component...

Application of a GIS to a Ground Water Classification System
New more effective methods of ground water management are being developed by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) including an anticipatory conceptual State ground...

Daily Water Budget Model for Water Resources Management
A daily water budget model has been developed and tested for the Clinch and Powell watersheds located in SW Virginia and NE Tennessee. The model integrates available data and simulates...

Water Conservation and Floodplain Regulation at Barrett Dam?San Diego, CA
Barrett Dam is owned and operated by the City of San Diego, California. This paper describes the response of the dam to heavy storms that occurred in Southern California in 1980. Computer-generated...

Water Demand Forecasting in Southern California
A study of annual water use in Southern California is made in order to determine the cause of unusually high demands in 1987. Regression analysis of the demands and analysis of ratios...

Water Demand Forecast Uncertainty
This paper examines the effect of water demand forecast uncertainty on the operation of a city's water supply system. It is based on a number of years experience the author...

Use of Stormwater Models to Optimize the Performance of a Regional Stormwater Detention System
implications of stormwater models to develop a regional detention basin master plan for Fairfax County, Virginia are described. Following the selection of candidate sites and detention...

Resolving a Groundwater Conflict in Colorado
In 1985, the City of Lakewood, Colorado, submitted applications for permits to drill 20 wells in the Arapahoe Aquifer with the intent of appropriating 4300 acre-feet annually for eventual...

BMPs for Urban Stormwater Management in Virginia
This paper presents discussions on applying best management practices (BMPs) in Virginia as part of the Chesapeake Bay clean up program and future information needs....

Continuous Drainage System Modeling of Jones Run
A generalized package of hydrologic and hydraulic models has been developed for the quantitative analysis of watersheds and drainage networks. The package is called ODWAP (the Old Dominion...

Virginia Case Studies of Risk Based Drainage Design
The goal of this paper is to apply a practical engineering risk-based method of design of pavement and surface drainage systems to three Virginia case studies. The target systems include...

Stormwater Management in Virginia
In the 1986 budget bill, the Virginia General Assembly directed the Virginia Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Division of Soil and Water Conservation, to conduct a review...

Lessons to be Learned from Lafayette Tennessee's Small Diameter Sewer System
Lafayette, Tennessee's septic tank effluent, small diameter gravity sewer (SDGS) system is believed to have been the first such project to be funded by the United States Environmental...

Comparison of Storm Water Management for Phoenix and Washington, D.C. Urban Areas
The design criteria, the methods of analyses, and the estimated costs of construction are compared for two storm water management systems in the Phoenix, Arizona and the Washington, D.C....





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