Construction and Robotics: Problems and Solutions
The role of robotics in construction, and the role played by construction engineers (CE's) is placed in perspective. Robot development, like machine manufacture, has always...

Project Management in Areas of Socio-Political Conflict
Project managers routinely deal with project locations which provide adverse environmental conditions. A location in which social and political conflict exists may prove to be extremely...

Wrapping up Environmental Issues in an Embankment
Contamination on a construction site can lead to increased risk of unanticipated construction delays and increased costs. In response, some owners are opting for proactive approaches to...

The Role of Scheduling in Computer Integrated Construction
Engineering and construction firms are showing a growing interest in computer integrated construction because they recognize the increased productivity and quality that can be obtained...

Project Controls for Denver International Airport
Managing a $2 billion dollar construction program requires a unique application of tried and true control systems and provides an opportunity to innovate new methods. The Program utilizes...

Project Controls on the Channel Tunnel Project
Establishing controls for a multi-facted, multi-billion dollar, privately financed, project which is run by two organisations created solely for that one project has been a major challenge....

A Framework for Reasoning About CAD Data
A system capable of reasoning about CAD data offers the opportunity to substantially improve a design or a construction plan by providing feedback about an engineer's artifact. This paper...

Requirements of Object-Oriented Databases for Supporting Collaborative Engineering
Object-oriented programming is gradually evolving into a popular and standard paradigm for large software application development. Typical examples include computer-aided design and engineering...

Automating Project Scheduling?A Case Study
This paper describes the on-going development of a 'finite element' based, project planning and scheduling package which uses knowledge bases, inference engines,...

Knowledge-Based Construction Scheduling Support
Research efforts are underway to develop enhanced tools for construction scheduling support. Current work includes the development of an advisor system for considering schedule weather...

Typification and Evaluation in Design
Recently, writers on design theory have characterized the design process as an interaction between broad categories of design knowledge and their application in unique situations. The...

A National Research Agenda to Enhance the Civil Engineering Profession Today and in the Future
The civil engineering profession of yesterday and today is highlighted by the design and construction of impressive projects in energy, transportation, buildings, and power systems. Innovative...

Globalization and its Impact on Construction Technology
The nature of international construction markets is changing. Competition is yielding to the concept of globalization. This paper discusses some of the issues which constitute topics of...

Computer Data Exchange Using National and International Standards
There is a need within the construction industry to electronically transmit standard documents between designers, owners, contractors, and material suppliers. Ideally, the transmission...

Incentives for Technological Innovation in Construction
Why innovate in construction? The answer to this frequently asked question is critical for the future of the U.S. engineering and construction industry. One reason for this is the multitude...

Restructuring Responsibility and Reward for More Construction Innovation
This paper proposes modifications to the contractual systems customary in the U.S. construction industry with the objective of encouraging technology innovation. The relationships among...

Partnering: Contracting for Quality
The concept of partnering is an approach to conducting business that confronts the economic and technological challenges confronting the U.S. Construction Industry in the 1990's....

Factors Affecting the Transfer of Expert Systems Technology
Increased complexity of facilities, owners' changing needs, inadequate construction methods, and international competition have created strong demands for advanced construction...

Learning and Innovating in a Construction Technology Laboratory
It has been generally recognized that the construction industry world wide, and especially in the U.S., needs innovative changes in order to produce more complex products at higher quality...

Case Method to Educate Innovation Champions in Construction
This paper describes a recent experimental course concerning management of technology for construction innovation. The experience of conducting this course indicates that the case method...





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