Fine Contaminated Sediment Erosion/Deposition in the Buffalo River, New York
This paper documents part of a project which sought to characterize sediment transport in the Buffalo River as a contribution toward planning for dredging or in-place containment of the...

Bay/Delta Hydraulic Model?Thirty Years of Service
The San Francisco Bay and Delta is an extremely complex estuarine system. During the past thirty years, the San Francisco Bay/Delta Hydraulic Model has proven to be a valuable scientific...

Field Investigation in an Estuary: A Case Study of Cooper River/Charleston Harbor
In 1942, the flow of the Cooper/Ashley/Wando (South Carolina) River complex was altered by a flow diversion project. Subsequently, Charleston Harbor suffered a dramatic increase in maintenance...

Three-Dimensional Modeling of a Stratified Estuary
Development around Choctawhatchee Bay, and reduced productivity, loss of seagrass beds, and higher salinities, prompted the Northwest Florida Water Management District to conduct an investigation...

Harbor Restoration Through Improved Circulation
After several episodes of massive fish kills in Old Pass Lagoon on the Florida Gulf Coast, an investigation was undertaken to identify the problems and propose cost-effective solutions....

Sediment Variability Mark Twain Lake, Missouri
This paper looks at the historical variability in suspended sediment loads in the Upper Salt River Basin above Mark Twain Lake, Missouri in an attempt to assess the magnitude of suspended...

Martins Fork Reservoir Sedimentation Study
The Martins Fork Reservoir is located on Martins Fork of the Cumberland River in Harlan County, Kentucky. The lake was impounded in December, 1978. Since closure, the lake has experienced...

Performance Evaluation of Channels Stabilized with ARS-Type Low-Drop Structures
Field and hydraulic investigations of seven ARS-type low-drop grade-control structures located in Mississippi indicate that most of the structures become submerged during flows with recurrence...

Alternate Designs for the Sidewalls of Hydraulic Jump Stilling Basins
This paper discusses several alternate designs to replace the full height sidewalls of a type 2 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation stilling basin. The alternate designs that were investigated...

Sediment Flushing Experiences at Cherry Creek Dam
An overview of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District's experiences in sediment flushing operations at Cherry Creek Reservoir near Denver, Colorado is presented....

Hydrologiic Risk Analysis for Small Dams in Missouri
A methodology is presented for calculating the risk cost for a dam based on probabilities for rainfall depth, antecedent moisture condition, rainfall time distribution, initial reservoir...

3-Dimensional Groundwater Modeling of the West Coast Basin Barrier
This paper describes a practical application of groundwater modeling of seawater intrusion in southern California. The West Coast Basin is one of the major groundwater reservoirs underlying...

Computer Aided Hydraulic Design of Open Channels
The results of tests by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District, Los Angeles (LAD), became a major part of the Corps' EM 1110-2-1601, Hydraulic Design of Flood Control Channels....

Two-Dimensional River Modeling of Buckhorn Creek
A two-dimensional Finite Element Surface Water Modeling System (FESWMS-2DH) was used to simulate flow at a bridge crossing of a heavily vegetated flood plain where State Highway 130 crosses...

A Space-Based Communications Concept to Support Mars Exploration Missions
Both the Soviet Union and the United States have expressed a desire to conduct further exploration of Mars and both sides have raised the possibility of joint Mars missions. In addition,...

Adaptable Crew Facilities for Future Space Modules
This paper discusses life-size studies recently carried out on advanced crew accommodation features for future space module utilization. The studies are based on exploratory designs for...

Solar Power Satellite - A Re-Visit
The United States should renew activities investigating the production of baseload electrical power for use on Earth from space. Technology change, world events, and the dictates of the...

Critical Water Issues and Computer Applications
This book contains papers presented at the 15th Annual Conference of the Water Resources Planning and Management Division of ASCE. The theme of the conference was Critical Water Issues...

Lessons from Dam Incidents. US-II
The purpose of this report is to present available data to the profession regarding failures, accidents, and major repairs at dams in the United States. Data is analyzed with respect to...

Highway Injuries: Our Major Health Problem
Injuries are the leading cause of death in the United States from early childhood until about age 45. Motor vehicles kill more Americans age 1 to 34 than any other source of injury or...





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