Rehabilitation and Replacement of Slab and Buttress Dams at the Wissota Hydroelectric Project
The Wissota Hydroelectric Project is a 70 year old slab and buttress dam which required rehabilitation due to deteriorating concrete. Due to restrictions imposed by the FERC and Owner,...

Rocky Mountain Project Seepage Cutoff in Solutioned Limestone
The right abutment of the main closure dam for the Rocky Mountain Project required extensive treatment of deeply weathered shale and solutioned limestone to assure control of seepage and...

Potholes East Canal Headworks Project
The construction of 6.5 MW Potholes East Canal Headworks in Washington required near vertical excavation of about 100 ft (30 m) through the existing earthfill dam founded on columnar basalt....

Geotechnical Aspects of the Underground Excavations at the Kemano Completion Project
The Kemano Completion Project is the addition of four generators of 540 MW installed capacity to an existing eight-unit underground hydroelectric generating station owned and operated...

Rocky Mountain Project Power Tunnel Filling Test
The Rocky Mountain Project, a pumped storage development located in NW Georgia, is owned jointly by Oglethorpe Power Corporation and Georgia Power Company. Initial construction included...

Sungai Piah Hydroelectric Project (Malaysia)
The Sungai Piah Hydroelectric Project is located in the State of Perak in Peninsular Malaysia. It is a run-of-river project on steep mountain streams in dense tropical jungle. Nine intakes,...

Rocky Mountain Project?Probable Maximum Floods
Probable maximum floods (PMF's) were estimated for use in designing spillways for the lower reservoir main dam and two auxiliary pool dams at the Rocky Mountain pumped-storage...

Utilizing Wetlands for Stormwater Retention
The design steps an engineer uses to develop natural wetlands to provide flood control while continuing to retain their natural functions will be analyzed. This paper will include a discussion...

Assessment of Changes at Glen Canyon Dam
This paper describes the complexity associated with the assessment of financial impacts of proposed and actual short-term restrictions at Glen Canyon Dam. The reasons for these restrictions...

Evaluating Hydro Project Benefits with the POWRSYM Production Cost Model
The contribution that a hydro peaking project or pumped-storage project makes to reducing system operating costs can be determined only by modeling the project's operation...

Consideration of Sedimentation on Hydropower Projects
Experience gained by analysis of a number of hydropower projects throughout the world leads to the conclusion that it is necessary to consider sediment related aspects in the design and...

Development of the Collett Reservoir Addition to the Muck Valley Hydroelectric Project
The existing 26 MW Muck Valley Hydroelectric Project is located on the Pit River, 90 miles east of Redding in Northastern California. The Project was licensed by the Federal Energy Regulatory...

Engineering Risk Assessment for Hydro Facilities
Faced with escalating property insurance premiums, the Alaska Energy Authority decided to evaluate what losses may realistically be expected due to catastrophic events at their hydroelectric...

Risk Analysis Applications for Dam Safety
Dam safety modifications are intended either to reduce the likelihood of the adverse consequences of dam failure or the magnitude of adverse consequences. For instance, widening a spillway...

Examples of Risk Assessment in Dam Safety Decision Making
Three examples of risk-based dam safety evaluations performed for dam users or operators are summarized. These studies were conducted by major U.S. engineering firms and involved experienced...

New Techniques and Data Sources for PMP
Testing has been conducted on new methods and storm data sources for the past two years with the purpose of providing more tools to dam owners for the assessment of probable maximum precipitation...

Dam Stabilization/Modification at Lighthouse Hill and Schuylerville Hydropower Developments
Remedial measures including posttensioning of concrete structures, earth dike armoring, tainter gate modification and replacement of deteriorated concrete to meet federal and state hydraulic...

Bishop Intake #2 Spillway Modifications: A Case History
This paper covers the history of the events leading to the modification of Southern California Edison's (SCE) Bishop Intake 2 to pass a site specific design flood. From the...

Emergency Action Plans: A Need for Comprehensive Exercises
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) Guidelines for Preparation of Emergency Action Plans (EAP) require that licenses conduct periodic in-depth testing, or comprehensive...

Brule Hydroelectric Project Inflow Design Flood Study
In 1987, Wisconsin Electric Power Company (WE) was directed by FERC to provide additional spillway capacity at it's 63-foot (19 m) high Brule Dam. Original spillway capacity...





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