A Fractal Concept in Stream, Swale, and Sheet Flow
The concept of fractals, in simple terms, says that the patterns of natural features repeat themselves as the feature gets divided into successively smaller segments. In this paper, the...

Uncertainty of Runoff Volume as a Function of Rainfall and Catchment Characteristics
The expected variability of runoff volume due to the uncertainties in spatial distribution of rainfall and catchment characteristics is quantified. A physically-based mathematical model...

Example of the Stable Channel Design Approach
This paper shows an example application of a new method being packaged by the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station to aid in the design of stable flood-control channels. A stable...

Guidance on the Selection and Use of Sediment Discharge Formulas
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the sediment function module of the computer program SAM. SAM is being developed as a product of the US Army Corps of Engineers Flood Control Channels...

Conservativeness in Hydraulic Engineering Studies
Hydraulic engineers routinely make a variety of assumptions during the course of a study. Assumptions, once made, usually become incorporated into the fabric of the study and are seldom...

Weibull Distribution and Natural Hydrograph
For design projects in water resources, a hydrograph is commonly used for the determination of flood volume generated by a given drainage basin. The division of total flow into direct...

Stability Criteria for Revetments
A simplified 'black box' approach is presented for a number of revetment systems for banks and shore protection. The design criteria, based on the physical similarity...

Maximum Scour Below Dams Caused by Over-Fall Flow
The scour of sediment below a check dam caused by over-fall flow will lead to the destruction of dams. The formation of the scour hole below the dam will lead to shorten the seepage lines,...

Variational Method in Fluvial Hydraulics?A Review
The theoretical base of the principle of minimum energy dissipation rate and other related stationarity hypotheses have been reviewed. Recent applications of the theory to the calculation...

Introduction of Variational Principle Into Open Channel Hydrodynamics
Possible applications of the variational principle maximizing the entropy are illustrated. Open channel flow properties are expressed in terms of 'entropy parameter',...

Mt. Elbert Pumped Storage Trashrack Failure
The failure of three trashrack sections for unit 2 at the suction-draft tube intake occured after one year in service. However, the trashracks for unit 1 had five years of service with...

Innovative Spillway Design
The Lake Alan Henry Dam, near Lubbock, Texas, will consist of an earth filled embankment, a service spillway and an emergency spillway. The service spillway is designed to handle flows...

Scale Effects of Overflow-Oriented Hydraulic Parameters for a High Dam
This paper presents the findings of prototype observation and model verification on the surface velocity, the range of nappe jetting, and the diffusion regime of the discharged flow related...

The Sediment Weighted Histogram Generator and Estimation of Sediment Transport Trends
Long term sediment transport trends may be evaluated using a sediment histogram generator program that was written for microcomputers. Flows can be extracted directly from a compact disc...

Operational Model Development for Salinity Control
The 800 km2 Breton Sound estuary and watershed in Louisiana is being modeled to characterize its salinity regime in terms of hydrometeorological...

An Investigation of Continuity Equation and Flood Routing
In this paper, a flood routing scheme, which gives consideration to the advantages of both the Muskingum method and the unit hydrograph method, is derived by using the continuity equation...

Conservation Properties of Flow Simulation Models
The fundamental equations of fluid mechanics and hydraulics posses certain integral properties which should be maintained by their discrete analogs. In this paper the conservation properties...

The Method of Lines Solution of Unsteady Open Channel Flow Equations Along Characteristics
The method of characteristics (MOC) has long been considered as a natural procedure for solving transient flow problems. In this paper, by using the concept of the method of lines, the...

Integration of GIS, Remote Sensing, and Digital Elevation Data for a Hydrologic Model
The Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Model (AGNPS), which was developed by Agricultural Research Service, was used as a test model for assessing nonpoint source pollution. The model...

Paleoflood Hydrology and Design Decision for High-Risk Projects
Paleoflood hydrology is not merely one of several alternative methods for risk-based design. Rather, certain kinds of accurate data on the largest paleofloods of recent millennia provide...





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