Impacts of EPA Storm Water Regulations on the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex
New storm water discharge permit application regulations proposed by EPA will have a significant impact on municipalities across the nation. Cities in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex are...

Application of a GIS to Storm Water Quality Monitoring
Integration of an ARC/INFO geographic information system (GIS) with hydrodynamic water quality models (HEC-1 and HEC-5Q) helps quantify the water quality impacts of urban storm water runoff....

Tucson, Arizona's 110-Year Water Resources Plan
The desert community of Tucson, Arizona, has just completed a state-mandated 110-year water supply plan. The plan includes conjunctive use of local groundwater and surface water imported...

A Methodology for Analyzing Alternative Reservoir Sizing, Shortage, and Operating Criteria
The Bureau of Reclamation's shifting emphasis from a construction oriented agency to a water management agency has initiated the development of analytical tools for estimating...

Cranes Roost Lake Level Management Project
An internally drained water body has historically experienced a wide range of lake level elevations due to its function as a regional aquifer recharge area, and due to the urbanized nature...

Real-Time Optimized Control of a Water Distribution System
The paper presents the design of a fully automated real-time computer control scheme for least cost operation of a water distribution system. The scheme includes modules for optimized...

Telemetry Data Considerations in Water Systems Control
The installation of increasingly sophisticated telemetry systems for data collection within the water supply and distribution networks has progressed rapidly in recent years. This has...

The Impact of the Morris Sheppard Dam Experience on Buttress Dam Safety Evaluations
The stability problems encountered at the Morris Sheppard Dam have had an impact upon the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) dam safety program. This paper describes...

Morris Sheppard Dam: A Rational Approach to Stability Analysis
This paper details the excessive foundation piezometric conditions found during a routine five-year inspection, and presents the results of backfigured stability analysis of a critical...

Possum Kingdom Lake: The Impact of Releases for Fish and Wildlife
Possum Kingdom Lake is a 570,000 acre-foot reservoir on the Brazos River in Palo Pinto County, Texas, owned and operated by the Brazos River Authority (BRA). In 1985 the BRA applied to...

Planning the Developmemt of the OASIS Advisory System
This paper describes the evolution of the Operations Advisory and Simulated Intelligence System (OASIS). In its first phase, already concluded, a prototype was developed for testing the...

Beyond Basic Modeling
Computers have long been used in water engineering to model hydraulic distribution networks In recent years, computer technology has exploded, yielding computers that are powerful and...

Land-Water Management: Theory and Practice
Policies for land and water management should be consistent and coordinated. Traditionally, land use and water management decisions have been made by different levels of government and/or...

Changing Land Uses in the Platte and Arkansas Basins
Several water disputes among various parties in the Platte and Arkansas River Basins may have significant impacts on future land use practices. This paper describes five cases being litigated...

Optimizing Dallas' Multiple Reservoir Supply System
Dallas Water Utilities (DWU) applies a mathematical computer model of its reservoir supply system to assist in making operational decisions to optimize supply operations. The model considers...

Microcomputer Tools for the Management of a Multiple Reservoir Water Supply System
In a Raw Water Management Plan study performed for the City of Newport News Waterworks, Camp Dresser & McKee developed a series of micro-computer programs that allow the City to...

Storage Reallocation Evaluation for Reservoir System
Reservoir storage capacity is allocated to various purposes prior to project construction. However, changing needs and conditions may warrant later conversion of storage capacity from...

Benefit/Cost Analysis of Stormwater Detention Systems
In the past, detention basins have been designed to control peak discharge rates. However, there is considerable interest in using the detention basin for control of nonpoint source pollution....

Reliance on Structural Controls for Water Supply Protection in Urbanizing Watersheds
The watershed is the source of pollutants which can contaminate the water supply reservoir. It is far preferable to implement an affordable watershed management plan that keeps contaminants...

Considerations for a Multiple-Use Stormwater Detention Facility
A 60-year-old neighborhood provides the unusual setting for the City of Tulsa's Turner Park-Will Rogers High School Stormwater Detention Facility. The 20-acre site is located...





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