Object-oriented Model of Colorado River Salinity
A salt balance is incorporated into an object-oriented river-basin model and applied to the Colorado River. The model simulates seasonal variations in the basin's water balance and employs...
Integration of Water Rights and Salinity Considerations in Comprehensive River Basin Management
The TAMUWRAP Water Rights Analysis Package is a recently developed generalized reservoir/river system simulation model. Application of the model in a water supply reliability study of...
Description of the Application of Goal Programming for Selective Withdrawal Structure Operation
Thermal stratification in reservoirs results in variations of water quality with depth. Selective withdrawal structures with outlets at different vertical locations, can be used to provide...
The Everett, Washington, Water Supply IRP
The City of Everett, Washington, supplies water to most of the population of Snohomish County, located just north of Seattle. The County is rapidly urbanizing, and preliminary review of...
Conservation Measures in Urban Storm Water Management
The management of storm water runoff has been given considerable attention by regulatory agencies and practicing engineers in recent years. The current state of-the-art of storm water...
Effectiveness of Retrofit in Multi-Family Apartments
This paper reports the results of an evaluation research study of the cost-effectiveness of water-conserving, residential retrofit plumbing devices. By means of a 'quasi-experimental,'...
Statistical and GIS Tools for Assessing Water Conservation Effects
The Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) devices provide us the ability to read a large number of meters in a short period of time. With the AMR we monitored weekly water consumption of several...
Prediction of Gravel Bedload with SAM
Bedload measurements for Little Beaver Creek in Colorado were used to test the sediment transport functions included in SAM. The test results showed that Toffaleti predicts total bedload...
Procedures for Evaluating the Effects of Sedimentation on Flood Hazards in Urbanized Areas in the Southwestern U.S.
Urbanization of watersheds in the arid Southwestern U.S. creates problems for resource agencies and design engineers. Traditional analytical techniques that are generally applicable to...
Modeling Flow in Variably-Saturated Porous Media
An expression for effective hydraulic conductivity to solve groundwater flow problems is developed. Also, a refined Monte Carlo (MC) simulation procedure is proposed. The developed methodologies...
Simulating Water Supply Systems of the Raritan Basin
A recently developed interactive river-aquifer system model (IRAS) was used to study the Raritan River Basin as part of the effort to revise the New Jersey Statewide Water Supply Master...
Nakajima Subsurface Dam
A new water resource is generated by a subsurface dam. This paper presents the design, construction, and monitoring of a test subsurface dam in an alluvial valley of an island for both...
Optimal Operation of Soil Aquifer Treatment System
Mathematical models based on nonlinear programming are developed for operating soil aquifer treatment(SAT) systems. The objective of these optimization models is to determine the operation...
Public Involvement in Water Resources Management
Some thoughts on the use of public involvement, partnering, customer focus, and decision support systems in water management are presented....
Partnering in Environmental Restoration: The Coastal America Model
The Coastal America Partnership was initiated in 1993 with the underlying principal that collaborative efforts would be more successful than attempting individual agency solutions. To...
The Role of Partnering and Public Involvement in the Lackawanna River Corridor Greenway Study
Development of partnerships and active public involvement programs has, in the past, been de-emphasized for the more traditional Corps studies. However, as the Corps continues to progress...
Considering Uncertainties in Water Resource Designs
Design of water resource systems often faces with various uncertainties. The nature of problems in essence are decision making under uncertainties. This paper offers an introduction to...
Designing Under Uncertainty When We Can Reduce Uncertainty: When is Another Observation Worth the Cost?
A method is presented that optimizes the selection of sites for observation of an uncertain parameter when that parameter is used in the risk-based design of an engineered system. The...
Convergence and Divergence Between Regulated Riparian and Prior Appropriation Provisions in the ASCE Model State Water Rights Code
Although there are two major American water rights systems-- riparian and prior appropriation--there are mixed systems and variations within each major type. The ASCE Model State Water...
Balancing Water Allocation and Water Quality: The Model State Water Code
The Model State Water Code (hereafter called the 'Code') currently being developed by an ASCE task committee is intended to provide a source of legal norms of water allocation for use...
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