Phosphorus Transport from Delaware's Rural Watershed
Phosphorus loads were estimated for 62 watersheds. Major land uses in the watersheds were cropland and forestland. Annual phosphorus loads varied from 0.42 to 1.19 kg/ha. Watersheds with...

History of Irrigation Water Development in Hawaii
Hawaii has a rich heritage of irrigated agriculture from the time of the first Polynesian settlers to the present. Following the ancient stream diversions by Hawaiians, sugar planters...

Imperial Irrigation District Water Conservation
Imperial Irrigation District (IID) and Metropolitan Water District (MWD) have entered into a Water Conservation Agreement to conserve 106, 110 acre-feet (1.31 ? 108...

Forecasting Irrigation Water Supply Using a Computer Model and Remotely Sensed Snow Cover
Improved streamflow forecasting in the Sevier River Basin is one objective of the Sevier River Water Management Study. Short-term forecasts are needed for optimum operations of irrigation...

Enhanced Multi-Dimensional Modelling of Marshes and Wetlands
This paper summarizes the verification and application of a two-dimensional finite element model capable of simulating the complex circulation characteristics in marshes and wetlands for...

Effects of Drainage on Water, Sediment and Biota
The U.S. Department of the Interior started a program in 1985 to identify effects of irrigation-induced trace constituents in water, bottom sediment and biota. The program was developed...

Effects of Wastewater Irrigation on Aqueous Geochemistry
A comprehensive assessment of the environmental impact of a full-scale, operating overland flow (OLF) land treatment system was made of the Campbell Soup, Inc. OLF system in Paris, Texas....

Sensitivity Analysis of a Ground-Water-Flow Model
A sensitivity analysis was performed on 18 hydrological factors affecting steady-state groundwater flow in the Upper Floridan aquifer near Albany, southwestern Georgia. Computations were...

Evaluation of the FASTCHEM Model for Predicting Leachate Attenuation at Fossil Power Plants
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has applied the model FASTCHEM to identify retardation mechanisms and predict solute transport at two fossil power plants. FASTCHEM (acronym for fly...

Optimization of a Municipal Ground Water Production System in North-Central Oklahoma
A management model is being developed to optimize the municipal groundwater production system which supplies drinking water for the City of Enid, Oklahoma. The system is comprised of one...

Overview and Objectives of the Macrodispersion Experiment
TVA is conducting large-scale field experiments to better define movement and dispersion of contaminants in groundwater. This will support groundwater protection by making possible more...

Second Natural-Gradient Tracer Experiment
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has begun a second large-scale groundwater field experiment at the Columbus Groundwater Research test site in Mississippi. This research is a continuation...

Measurement and Analysis of Hydraulic Conductivity Variability of a Heterogeneous Aquifer
The spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity of a shallow alluvial aquifer was investigated using borehole flowmeter measurements. The study was conducted at the site of a large-scale...

Practical Technology Resulting from MADE Research
As is often the case, when theoretical research is performed, practical technology is developed in the process. This has occurred with the Macrodispersion Experiment (MADE) conducted at...

Groundwater Models and Aquifer Restoration: An Overview
In recent years, as the demand for water has increased, groundwater mining has intensified. Data on water use indicate that this trend will continue in the future, and competition is likely...

Predicting Microbial Contamination of Ground Water
As a result of the drinking water standards for viruses established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency in 1985, mandatory groundwater disinfection requirements were recently...

Groundwater Modeling with GIS: An Example
The versatility and widespread usage of a geographic information system (GIS) as a hydrological modeling tool is only now showing up in the literature. In this regard, a research team...

Terrain Conductivity to Define Groundwater Pollution
Electromagnetic terrain conductivity surveys were conducted at four animal waste lagoon sites in South Carolina in an effort to delineate groundwater contamination from animal waste lagoon...

Agricultural Chemicals in Illinois' Rural Private Wells
A statewide sampling program was undertaken to define the extent of agricultural chemicals in rural, private drinking water wells in Illinois. A stratified random approach was taken for...

Survey of Rural, Private Wells: Statistical Design
Half of Illinois' 38 million acres were planted in corn and soybeans in 1988. On the 19 million acres planted in corn and soybeans, approximately 1 million tons of nitrogen...





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