Advisory System for South Florida Water Management
A comprehensive, real-time advisory system was developed for the operation of water control facilities within the South Florida Water Management District. The Operations Assistant and...

Computer Control of Water Systems: Practical Considerations
Presented are some applications projects and procedures concerned with modeling and control of water supply and distribution systems. The work has resulted in the development of a suite...

Dynamic Modeling and Control Optimization in An Urban Area?A Case Study
The procedures adopted to achieve improved economic operation of the water supply and distribution system serving the town of Wolverhampton (UK) are described. An outline description is...

Computer Support for TVA's Reservoir System Operations: Hardware
The current computer systems in use at TVA for hydrologic data collection and modeling are approaching ten years old. A study is in progress to determine the computer systems needed to...

Computer Support For TVA's Reservoir System Operations: Software
In the early 1980's, the Tennessee Valley Authority implemented its Water Resources Management Information (WATREMAIN) system to provide support for operation of its integrated multipurpose...

Development of the Hydro Optimization Management System at Alabama Power Company
Alabama Power Company is an electric utility serving most of Alabama with a generation mix of 65% coal, 18% nuclear, and 17% hydro. A total of 1682 MW hydro generation comes from 14 plants...

Knowledge-Based Real-Time Management of Risk Processes
A project proposed to the Commission of European Communities within the framework of the European Strategic Program in Research and Information Technology (ESPRIT) aims at the development...

OMADSS?Operations and Maintenance Advanced Decision Support System
This paper presents a summary of the development of a prototype advanced decision-support system for operation and maintenance of dams and irrigation facilities. To set the development...

Computer-Aided Negotiation of Water Resources Issues in California's Central Valley Project
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation operates the Central Valley Project (CVP) in California. The CVP is a large system of streams, reservoirs and canals in California's Sacramento and San Joaquin...

Computerized Resource Planning for the Central Valley Project, California
The Central Valley Project (CVP) consists of nine reservoirs and ten powerplants owned and operated by the United States Government. On an average water year basis, the CVP, with a maximum...

Computer Simulation of CVP Power Production for Integration With PG&E's Power System
The Central Valley Project (CVP) has an installed hydropower capacity of over 1800 MW. The project facilities and its preference power customers lie dispersed within the service territory...

California's Adaptable Model for Operations Planning for the State Water Project
Operations of the California Aqueduct, a 440-mile-long feature of the State Water Project (SWP) consisting of canals, pipelines, reservoirs and hydroelectric plants, are planned using...

Development and Application of Hydrologic Forecast Systems
Hydrologic forecast systems generally consist of several components which include computer hardware and software to perform data handling functions and enable users to calibrate hydrologic...

Streamflow Forecasting for Hydropower Operations Using Interactive Modeling Systems
This paper discusses the development of the Snake River Forecast Model (SRFM), a streamflow forecasting system for long-range planning and short-range operation of fifteen hydropower projects....

Multi-Purpose, Multi-Reservoir Simulation on a PC
The methodology and difficulties in converting a large, general purpose, mainframe, batch oriented computer program (for reservoir simulation) to work effectively in the PC environment...

An Emerging Application of Microcomputers in Water Control
Plans being developed at the Corps' Hydrologic Engineering Center propose a gradual transfer of water control support from minicomputers to a network of microcomputer workstations....

Role of Data Management in Water Control
The success of a system of software that must provide the water control user with current information, model analysis results, and forecasts of future behavior, is closely associated with...

Computer Program for Smoothing and Correcting Hourly Time Series Data
A FORTRAN computer program has been developed for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Louis District that automatically screens and corrects hourly time series data for gross errors and...

Development of the Hydrodata CD-ROM Data Storage System
To store and retrieve data from two of the USGS WATSTORE databases - the daily and peak values files - and the Summary of the Day file from the National Climatic Data Center, the authors...

Optimal Operation of Complex Multireservoir Systems
The paper provides brief descriptions of papers presented in two workshop sections, and of discussions on modeling reservoir systems. The sections are on optimal operation of complex multireservoir...





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