Promoting Career Opportunities in Highway Engineering
The shortage of transportation professionals is an issue which is receiving increased attention by the engineering profession. Recent civil engineering enrollment statistics compiled by...

Portland Cement Concrete Pavement in the 21st Century
The future of Portland Cement Concrete Paving in the 21st Century holds vast challenges that we as industry must be ready to tackle head on. Looking ahead, we see an even more vital role...

Application in the 21st Century of Today's Technology in Resolving Congestion
Traffic engineers of the 21st century will have a number of new tools to attack traffic congestion. High technology solutions will begin to emerge as means of increasing the effectiveness...

Future Driver and Vehicle Characteristics and Their Influence on Highway Design for Safety
Both driver and vehicle characteristics are changing, and these characteristics will continue to change into the 21st century. The purpose of this paper is to identify the major changes...

Safety and Operations Related to Geometrics for 21st Century Highways
Highways designed for the next century must reflect the knowledge gained from research on safety and operations conducted over the last 20 years. Assuming that recent trends toward emphasis...

National Workshop on Highway Research: A Summary
This paper is a summary of national workshop on highway research. Traffic is expected to increase in the future, worsening an already critical urban congestion problem. What are needed...

Applied Research and Highway Innovation
Applied research on a variety of highway problems is carried out under the National Cooperative Highway Research Program. This program has been successful in producing results used by...

Implementation of Highway Research in California
In March 1988 ASCE conducted a national workshop on highway research. This paper will discuss the ten commandments from the perspective of the California Department of Transportation....

Transferring Technology
In 'Engineering 21st Century Highways', we cannot expect to utilize only new technology and products developed and commercialized in this country. In the national...

Western Consortium on Advanced Highway Technology
Establishment of a regional consortium of western states for purposes of defining long-term objectives and making common cause in the development of advanced highway technology was undertaken...

Preparations for the Future?The European Highway Community
The need for infrastructural capacity in the future in Europe has been investigated by the European Conference of Ministers of Transport - ECMT. The principal traffic considered was international...

Engineering 21st Century Highways
The conference on Engineering 21st Century Highways focuses on the needs or highway transportation in the 21st century and explores near term decisions and activities required in the next...

Ground Water Recharge Through Wells
Surface runoff water accumulates in natural depressions called playas on the Southern High Plains; most of it is wasted by evaporation. The water is turbid, but otherwise of good quality...

Aquifer Storage Recovery: A New Water Supply and Ground Water Recharge Alternative
Aquifer Storage Recovery (ASR) involves treated drinking water that is stored underground by injection into a suitable storage zone during those months of the year when available supply...

Tucson Recharge with Existing Potable Water System
In 1987, a study was undertaken to evaluate the potential for using the City of Tucson's existing potable water distribution system and production wells for recharge of treated...

Reclaimed Water System with Artificial Recharge
Arizona cities must reduce water consumption as a result of the 1980 Arizona Ground Water Management Act. Use of reclaimed water in place of potable water for landscape irrigation and...

Augmenting Water Supply in the Phoenix Area Through Recharge of Surplus Central Arizona Project Water Into the Agua Fria Riverbed
This paper describes the efforts of several months activities in the initial stages of developing a 30,000 feet Demonstration Recharge Facility for surplus Colorado River water on the...

Artificial Recharge to the Floridan Aquifer System, Orlando Area, Central Florida
Approximately 400 drainage wells exist in Orange County, central Florida. The rate of recharge through drainage wells is limited by the rate of surface flow to the wells; the hydraulic...

Ground Water Monitoring for Resource Management
Management of the ground water resources provided by the multi-layered aquifers underlying Orange County, California has required a new approach to ground water monitoring. The Orange...

Operation and Maintenance of Recharge Facilities
As part of its Water Resources Program, the Santa Clara Valley Water District manages the groundwater basins in Santa Clara County, California. The article describes the operations and...





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