Colorado River Decision Support System
Colorado is developing its own tools, such as the Colorado River Decision Support System (CRDSS), to evaluate alternative strategies and establish an informed and factual position regarding...
Geographically Distributed Decision Support; The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) TERRA System
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has a long history of managing the water provided by the Tennessee River and its tributaries. TVA is responsible for such diverse water interests as...
Instream Flow Strategies for Operation of the Federal Central Valley Project
Federal Central Valley Project (CVP) operations and policies of reservoir storage and river releases for fish and wildlife protection and restoration are discussed. Prescribed strategies...
The Case for Southern Nevada's Thirst
Water Resources Planning can be associated with short term or long term projects. Civil Engineers can develop plans for any number of eventualities, be they normal expected events or unwanted...
Modeling Temperature Impacts on Salmon Survival
Among research goals at the University of California-Davis are the development and application of mathematical models to study water quality impacts on threatened and endangered species....
Impacts of Natural and Manmade Changes on the San Luis Rey River Environment
Almost all rivers continually change their position and shape based on various geomorphic and hydraulic factors, caused by natural as well as manmade activities on the riverine environment....
Design Considerations for Night Storage in Irrigation Systems
Due to the farmer social and economical changes, irrigation during night became rare. Most of the night discharges flow to drains. A design procedure has been developed for storage in...
Water Conservation and Delivery Flexibility in the Imperial Irrigation District Through Lateral Interceptor Systems
The lateral interceptor concept was conceived in the wake of a water conservation effort to reduce several sources of water loss typical of irrigation districts. These sources include...
Agricultural Infrastructure for Urban Irrigation
The Salt River Project (SRP) began as a provider of water for agricultural irrigation. Now most of the lands are urban and receive water distributed by municipalities at high-cost drinking...
Monitoring Water Quality and Use in Colorado
This paper presents the results of a two year study on the impact of irrigation water use on water quality near Greeley, CO. Data on irrigation application efficiency, deep percolation,...
Building Groundwater Optimizers That Respond to the Needs of Decision-Makers
Optimization methods are being sought and employed to design systems that remediate contaminated groundwater regions (and, in fact, the subsurface in general) with increasing frequency....
Arizona Groundwater Management Alternatives
Sustainable groundwater management policies are examined through the use of a hydrologic-economic impact model of Arizona surface and groundwater use. Present water use practices were...
A Physically Based Conceptual Model for Simulating Contaminant Levels in Subsurface Water
A conceptual physical model is developed to simulate solute transport and mixing in the vadose (unsaturated) and groundwater zones. The conceptual model couples lumped-parameters models...
Vadose-Zone Monitoring, Sanitary Treatment Plant Sludge-Drying Beds, Rocky Flats Plant, Golden, Colorado
The NPDES Federal Facilities Compliance Agreement (NPDES FFCA) of March 25, 1991 between the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), pursuant...
Uncertainty in Reservoir Operation Optimisation
The water resources literature is rich with the application of optimisation techniques in the presence of uncertainty. This paper presents a brief overview of the various ways uncertainty...
Explicit Stochastic Modelling of a Reservoir for Hydropower Production
A new reliability model for planning the operation of a multipurpose reservoir for hydropower generation and flood control, which considers the stochastic nature of inflows and power demand...
Changes of Water Rights - The Colorado Experience
This paper describes engineering efforts which are involved with the judicial changes of water rights in the State of Colorado....
Evaluation of the Pagosa Springs Geothermal Reservoir and Implications of Potential Additional Reservoir Development
The Town of Pagosa Springs is located 280 miles from Denver on the north bank of the San Juan River in southwest Colorado as shown on the Index Map, Some time before 1920 the first well...
Joint Pond-Wetland System Performance in Colorado
The Shop Creek retention pond and follow-up wetlands were constructed in 1989, by the City of Aurora, Colorado, and the Cherry Creek Basin Water Quality Authority to enhance urban storm...
Integration of Water Quantity and Quality Planning
This paper describes the integration of water quantity and quality objectives within the framework of a computerized interface design to assist with the difficult process of long-range...
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