Channel Tunnel, Texas Style
Two water supply pipelines under the Houston Ship Channel and Greens Bayou are an example of deep tunneling in soft ground. The navigable waters and the water-bearing silty soils in the...

Classic Wood Structures
Wood has been used in a wide range of structural applications. When properly maintained, these structures can have a useful life from 50 years to several centuries. Thirty-seven unusual...

Future Hydropower Development
Hydropower development and management in an era of uncertainty is the theme of this Waterpower '87 conference and reflects the current mood of the U. S. hydropower development...

The Pacific Northwest Rivers Study: Development of a Rivers Inventory and Analysis System
To minimize conflicts between hydropower development and resource conservation, the Bonneville Power Administration and the Northwest Power Planning Council initiated the Pacific Northwest...

Hydropower Development for Hawaii
A site specific, evaluation technique is being studied to examine hydropower potential based on an operations research approach for micro- and mini-hydropower systems under established...

Pumped-Storage Project Site Selection
The paper presents a case history in the selection of a site for a large pumped-storage project for Oglethorpe Power Corporation. The case history illustrates how a large number of potential...

New Opportunities for Pumped Storage Projects
A variety of design, economic, power supply, and environmental factors are combining which will bring a resurgence to the interest in developing pumped storage projects in the early 1990's...

Expansion of Three Plants on the Saranac River
The capacity of three cascading hydro power plants, owned and operated by New York State Electric and Gas Corporation on the Saranac River near Plattsburgh, was expanded by a total of...

Optimizing Hydropower Potential Using Water Management Techniques
The development of hydropower facilities at existing dams creates an interesting dilemma to both public and private hydro developers: Is the proposed development the best-adapted use of...

Movable Dam?Gate Selection Procedure
Very few new dams are now being considered, particularly for waterpower and even more specifically for low head waterpower in the lower reaches of major rivers. The City of Harrisburg,...

New Vs. Old? A New Capacity Question Facing Hydropower Redevelopers
Determining the extent of PURPA-qualified 'new capacity' which may be created as a result of the modification/rebuild/redevelopment of existing projects is a...

Non-Federal Development at Federal Dams
This paper describes the recent participation of the Southwestern Division (SWD) of the Corps of Engineers in non-Federal development of the hydropower potential at existing Corps projects...

Licensing a Hydroelectric Power Plant at Navajo Dam
A hydroelectric power plant at the base of Navajo Dam was envisioned by the Bureau of Reclamation and the Bureau of Indian Affairs to support the development of the Navajo Indian Irrigation...

The Uncompahgre Hydropower Project?A Historical Perspective
The process required for developing a potential hydropower site is both well-known and straightforward. It begins with the conception of an idea, and is fulfilled by engineering, economic,...

Impact of Annual Repayment on Efficient Use of Power Revenues
Congressional efforts to control Federal budget deficits are leading to new requirements for fixed annual repayment of investment in power and irrigation facilities. Traditionally, investments...

Marketing a Public-Private Small Scale Hydro Project: Case History, Kent County, Michigan
In 1982, Kent County, Michigan faced an interesting dilemma. Back in 1965, they had purchased the Fallasburg Dam and powerhouse from Consumers Power Company for 1. Without putting funds...

Studies of Fish Protection Methods at Hydroelectric Plants
Five largely untested but economical fish-protection systems were tested at sites throughout North America. The process of selecting laboratory and field test sites was completed at the...

Protection of Juvenile Anadromous Fish
Protection of juvenile anadromous fish (salmon, steelhead, etc. ) during their seaward migration is a major concern in the Pacific Northwest. The existing screening structures at the head...

The Role of Hydrologic Forecasts and Water Management in Support of Fisheries Enhancement
With the passage of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act of 1980 and the adoption of the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program in 1982, a new mandate...

Field Experiences in Improving Water Quality Downstream From Dams
Recent experiences by the Tennessee Valley Authority in improving water quality and fish habitat downstream from dams are presented. At Douglas Dam, floating pumps near the surface of...





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