Rehabilitation of the CNW and ICG Railroads
The railroad industry is an indispensable part of the American economy. However, the railroad infrastructure was allowed to deteriorate to the extent of having 5. 4 billion in deferred...

Earth Retention & Noise Absorption Using Evergreen Planted Walls
There is a new concept in wall design used for retaining walls, free standing noise absorbing walls and rock revetments. The Evergreen System is comprised of large prefabricated concrete...

Tunnel and Bridge Construction with Minimum Disturbance to Overhead Services
The rapid growth of pipe jacking over the last 20 years and the improvement and development of methods in terms of lengths of drive, size and ability to work in varying ground conditions...

Learning From Failure
Innovative engineering design involves assumptions about the future use and behavior of a structure. By understanding and learning from the infrequent but spectacular large failures, engineers...

Hydraulic Design of the Strontia Springs Diversion Dam
The hydraulic features which were of primary significance for the project were the diversion tunnel and spillway. The low-level outlet valves and water-supply intake were relatively straight-forward...

Molikpaq Deployment at Tarsuit P-45
An overview is provided of the engineering considerations and approach to deployment of the Molikpaq. Topics addressed include site investigation, foundation preparation, berm construction,...

Overview of Artificial Island Design and Construction in the Arctic
An overview is provided of the design and construction of artificial islands in the Arctic. Since the early seventies more than 20 islands have been constructed in the Alaskan and Canadian...

Geotechnical Features of Fur Seal Island Design
In summer 1983, Texaco made plans to construct an artificial island in Harrison Bay of the Beaufort Sea to serve as a platform for exploratory drilling. Fur Seal Island is to be located...

Arctic Island Construction
The history of island building in the Beaufort Sea of Canada and the United States is reviewed. Construction methods are discussed. These include hauling material from onshore in both...

The OCEANWHEEL Artificial Island
The compression rim and tension spoke structural system (OCEANWHEEL) transfers lateral loads from sea surface to seafloor efficiently. It promises a wide variety of uses beyond the described...

Modular Construction Technology for Arctic Islands
In order to investigate the possibilities for application in the Arctic of new generation construction vessels, a conceptual design of a production island retained by crane-installed concrete...

Porewater Pressure in Clays Below Caisson Islands
Unfrozen lightly overconsolidated clays are a significant factor in the design and performance of exploration caisson retained islands in the Canadian Beaufort Sea. At two sites (Tarsiut...

In Situ State of Underwater Hydraulic Sand Fills
An approach is described for quantifying the in situ state of hydraulically placed sand fills which are a significant element in the construction of artificial exploration islands in the...

A Contractor Looks at Slope Protection for Arctic Offshore Artificial Islands
Some thirty artificial gravel islands for oil and gas drilling/production have been built in the Beaufort Sea since early 70's. Protection of slopes of the islands and causeways...

Arctic Offshore Site Investigations
The continuing search for new petroleum sources has led to increased exploration activity in the arctic offshore regions of Alaska. The general approach to site investigations has been...

A Critique of Arctic Marine Site Investigation Techniques
Arctic marine site investigations have evolved from the need by oil companies to operate in offshore areas beyond the ice shear zone. An overview of the site investigation organization...

The Estimation of Ice Loads From Caisson Deformations Gulf Canada Molikpaq
The Gulf Canada Resources Mobile Arctic Caisson 'Molikpaq' is a bottom founded steel exploration platform capable of year-round operation in the Beaufort Sea....

Dynamic Global Forces on an Offshore Structure from Multi-Year Ice Floe Impacts
Estimation of global ice forces from ice floe impact against artificial islands and offshore platforms is essential for platform design. The discrete element program, CICE, has been validated...

Ice Floe Impact Force on Vertical Sided Structures
A solution is described that does not assume a contact pressure-area curve or ice crushing strength. The impact force is related to Korzhavin's ice crushing equation by simple...

Ice Forces Due to Impact Loading on a Sloping Structure
Two approximate methods are presented for determining Dynamic Magnification Factors due to floe impact on sloping structures. Some of the physical processes involved are treated simplistically,...





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