Maximizing Your Use of Interactive Graphics in Transportation Simulation Modeling
The paper discusses the capabilities, through the aid of computer graphics,now that exist to take analysis and reporting of traffic simulation model studies several steps further than...

Dynamic Assignment Modelling with Trips
This paper describes additional ways in which TRIPS models time-varying, or 'dynamic' effects. These include area-wide effects as vehicles move through the network,...

Using GIS Techniques for Transportation Planning to Automate Compilation of Land Use Information
This paper describes a procedure used to compile land use or socioeconomic data for traffic analysis zones for input into a transportation planning model. The procedure uses a combination...

Hydrodynamic Modeling on Vertically Mixed Bays
Extensive model-data comparisons of sea surface elevations and vertically-averaged velocities are performed on the Peconic Bays Estuary, New York, a system of interconnected bays where...

Some Considerations in Model and Field Data Selection for Circulation Studies of the James River Estuary
The major features of the circulation of the lower James River estuary are presented. The capabilities of numerical hydrodynamic models in reproducing these features are discussed, leading...

Sensitivity of Gulf of Maine Tide Model to Depth
A 2-D tide model of the Gulf of Maine failed to produce accuracies necessary for the de-tiding of Geosat satellite data. A subsequent sensitivity analysis indicated that the model was...

Pre- and Post-Processing Data Management Approach for Eutrophication Model of Peconic Bay, Long Island
A pragmatic data management approach for pre-processing and post-processing of large data sets from numerical models has been applied to a coupled hydrodynamic and water quality model...

2-D Particle Tracking Model for Estuary Mixing
This paper presents the development and analysis of a 2-D particle tracking or random walk model for the simulation of transport in vertically well-mixed estuaries. The model was tested...

Structural Reliability Through Machine Learning From Case Histories
The development of a management tool for the control of structural safety is described. Artificial intelligence techniques of 'machine learning' are employed...

Numerical Analysis of Flexible Culverts in Layered Soils
The deformation of flexible culverts is analysed using the finite element method as tool. Results of calculations for installation, traffic and time dependent loads are presented for culverts...

Education and Continuing Development for the Civil Engineer
Setting the Agenda for the 90's and Beyond
The 1990 Forum Proceedings is a collection of papers that were written to provide a basis for deliberation and conclusions at the ASCE 1990 National Forum on Education and Continuing Development...

The Great American Pyramid
For more than 50 years officials of Memphis, Tenn. have wanted to establish a link to their Egyptian namesake--and they will, through a pyramid. As opposed to its Egyptian forerunners,...

On the Drawing Board
Reliable and quantitative nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods for construction materials of wood, concrete, masonry and structural steel are needed. NSF program director John Scalzi...

Bridges Under Surveillance
Although bridge monitoring is still in its infancy, research, pilot studies and field work are underway across the country. While today it's still a pie-in-the-sky goal, the...

Behavior and Design of Gravity Earth Retaining Structures
This paper summarizes recent research on the soil-structure interaction of gravity earth retaining structures and provides new design procedures for these structures. The procedures currently...

An Example of Privately Funded Project
The paper discusses the proposal of the Syndicat des Transports Parisiens, the local authority in charge of Public Transports in the Paris region, to ask private firms to implement without...

Raingage Network Resolution With Spatial Statistics
Spatial and temporal resolution of rainfall are studied using cross-correlation techniques. The cross-correlation coefficient is used in a semi-variogram type analysis to determine the...

SLURP: A Watershed Model for Satellite Data
A study is being conducted to determine the utility of satellite data for hydrologic modelling in different physiographic and climatic zones of Canada. As part of that study, a simple...

Chaotic Characteristics of Snowmelt Runoff: A Preliminary Study
Chaos, the study of nonlinear dynamic systems, offers a way of observing order in systems previously thought to be random. In this study, we analyze snowmelt runoff from a small watershed...

Method to Predict Cropland Ephemeral Gully Erosion
Erosion of farmlands due to concentrate flow is very severe on many unprotected fields across the county. Small channels can you in large gullies of not controlled. These small channels...





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