College Admissions for Engineering and Technology
College admissions in general, and entry into programs of engineering and technology have always been less than fully understood processes. By considering the process from the students'...

Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay Highway � Lessons in Arctic Design and Construction
Construction of roads on muskeg over perennially frozen subsoils is becoming increasingly common in the arctic and subarctic regions of North America due to recent emphasis on development...

Supertanker Fixed Berth in Open Ocean
The oil terminal offshore Tomakomai, Japan, is the world's first fixed dock in open ocean. It must withstand 150 mph typhoon winds. To minimize time, cost and danger of open...

What To Do When the Suit is Served
The way in which principals of a design professional firm respond to a law suit alleging liability has great bearing on the way in which the suit progresses and on its effect on the firm....

Preview�1976 Offshore Technology Conference
In this Eighth Offshore Technology, the 300 papers and 1,300 exhibitors will be related to such topics as semi-submersible drill rigs, pollution avoidance devices, equipment protection,...

Can a Computer Reduce Your Spec Writing Costs�
The most important factors in evaluating use of a computer to write specifications are: the frequency with which a spec section is repeated; and the changes needed to go from master spec...

Today's Northwest Passage
The Lower Snake River Project received the outstanding water resources engineering project award for 1976 from ASCE. The lower 140-mile (225-km) reach of the Snake River from its mouth...

Pilot Plant Program�� Treatment of NYC Water Supply
Many cities with upland reservoirs as their source of water are now finding it necessary to filter the water. Population growth in the upland areas and more stringent standards are the...

The Three Ages of Philadelphia
Philadelphia was founded in 1682 when a shipload of 70 arrived with William Penn from England. Origins of this all-religious colony are described. Though a half-century younger than New...

Back to the People: Dallas' Blueprint for the 21st Century
Back in the mid-1960s, residents of Dallas, Texas were trying to live down the shame felt by having had a U.S. President assassinated in their city. How to do it? Goals for Dallas was...

Empire State: Greatest of All Skyscrapers
The Empire State Building! That major name instantly brings to mind Manhattan's intoxicating skyline, a skyline this greatest of all skyscrapers has dominated for 45 years....

The Story of America's Transportation Revolution
During the 200 years since the Declaration of Independence, the United States witnessed a revolution in transportation unprecedented in recorded history. For hundreds of years, man had...

Austin's 11-Mile Sewer Tunnel Reflects Sound Economic, Environmental Alternatives
An 11-mile long $20,000,000 concrete-lined continuous tunnel has just been completed across the City of Austin to serve as a sanitary sewer. Most of the tunnel is more than 100-ft (30.5-m)...

Value Engineering Made Mandatory on EPA Projects Over $10,000,000
EPA makes VE mandatory on projects over $10 million. Eleven VE teams in five 40-hour workshops. Isolated changes of $1.2 million on typical $4.1 million project which were acceptable to...

Washington Metro: Our National Model
The first segment of Washington D.C.'s rapid transit railway is now open. The system features a host of engineering innovations in the areas of aerial structures, tunneling,...

City's Topographic Mapping System Saves Time, Money and is More Accurate
The city of Elgin, Ill. purchased its own topographic mapping system called Topo-Plan. The system consists of an aerial photo base map plus a transparent overlay showing 2-ft (0.60-m)...

A Performance Standard for Foundations and Excavations
The only current U.S. standard for foundations and excavations is ANSI Standard A.56 which was adopted in 1952 and is now considered by the profession to be obsolete. The ASCE, sponsor...

Computer Cartography Offers County Unlimited Combinations and Considerable Savings
A Sacramento County pilot program to compare conventional scribed overlay mapping with computer cartography has shown that initial savings of nearly $6,000 per square mile result when...

Engineers Joint Council Takes Stock, Changes Structure of Governing Board
Engineers Joint Council, an umbrella group over many engineering societies including ASCE, evolved over the years so that its Board no longer consisted primarily of engineering-society...

Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities
Draft Trial Use and Comment
This Manual of Engineering Practice in Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities is a project of the Nuclear Structures and...





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