Dry Weather Stormwater Management - Yakima, WA
The city of Yakima recently completed a Comprehensive Stromwater Management plan to: 1) assess current and projected local runoff quality and 2) develop strategies to improve receiving...
Development of a Geographical Information System for On Farm Management
This paper presents the development of a Geographic Information System (GIS) for on farm management of a 70,000 acre agricultural operation in northwest New Mexico. The GIS was developed...
Using GIS to Develop 2-D Hydraulic Models
As communities along rivers and streams continue to develop, the demand for more accurate floodplain analysis and flood warning will also increase. Computer systems continue to develop...
Wind Lake Improvement Plan Dredging Project Wind Lake, Wisconsin
Dredging has been used historically to improve navigation, however, it usefulness as a water quality improvement tool has not been widely proclaimed. Although costly to undertake, dredging...
Instream Flow Studies: Susquehanna Basin and Pennsylvania
Proposed methodology for developing regional criteria for determining instream flow needs are described. The methodology includes: classification of streams; reconnaissance level studies...
Lake Ontario Regulation Utilizing an Expert System Approach Constrained by Interest Satisfaction Relationships
Mass balance of historic and predicted total basin supplies to Lake Ontario forms the basis of an Expert Systems model constrained by interest satisfaction (IS) relationships. The IS Model...
Willingness and Ability to Pay for Rural Water
Estimates of willingness to pay for rural water systems were developed in South Dakota, Oklahoma, and Montana from responses to contingent valuation surveys. Ability to pay was also estimated...
Lewis and Clark Rural Water System: A Regional Approach to Solving Domestic Water Supply Problems for a Tri-State Area
The proposed Lewis and Clark Rural Water System (L&CRWS) is a treated, bulk water delivery system. Membership includes twenty-two communities and rural water systems in southeastern...
Determinants and Trends in Water Right Market Prices
As the demand for existing water supplies continues to grow, increasing attention is being placed on transferring water rights through markets for urban uses. Transfers are proposed as...
Design and Implementation of an Optimal Real-Time Hydropower Generation Scheduling System for the Lower Colorado River in Texas
The Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) of Texas supplies water and electric power to over 800,000 persons in Central Texas. A real-time decision support system is being developed and...
Reservoir Operation Using Bayesian Inferencing and Balancing Rules
The water resources problem addressed in this paper is real-time, multi-purpose reservoir operation. Specifically, daily, or at the most, weekly operations are considered. A hybrid modeling...
Optimal Groundwater Reclamation with Captial Costs
A dynamic optimal control model for groundwater remediation was extended to incorporate treatment facility capital costs. Incorporation of the capital costs had the greatest impact on...
Optimization of the Design and Operation of Soil Vapor Extraction Systems
Volatile organic compounds (VOC's) immobilized within the soil unsaturated zone constitute a significant source of groundwater contamination. Soil vapor extraction systems (SVES's), which...
Evaluating Sensitivity of Hydraulic Control Optimization Models
Sensitivity of hydraulic control optimization models to variation in gradient constraints is examined. Monte Carlo simulation is used in conjunction with repeated optimization runs to...
Joint Probability Distribution of Rainfall Intensity and Duration
Intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves are widely used for peak discharge estimation in designing hydraulic structures. Accurate interpolated and extrapolated intensity values are difficult...
Probabilistic Characterization of Droughts
The Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) uses a set of meteorologic and hydrologic variables to create a numerical value for drought severity. The index values are grouped into drought...
The Application of Streamflow Duration Curves in Water Resources Engineering
Streamflow duration curves are a useful graphical and analytical tool for illustrating the relationship between the frequency and magnitude of daily streamflow. They are commonly used...
Hydraulic Properties of Surface Runoff on Ash-Mixed Concrete Pavement
The disposal of incinerated sludge ash from wastewater treatment plants is becoming an increasingly difficult problem in highly populated cities. The feasibility of reusing sludge ash...
Exploring Management Alternatives with Interactive Simulation
A drought exercise was held to disseminate information about a proposed change in reservoir management. In the drought exercise, an interactive operations model was used to simulate drought...
Fort Bend County Surface Water Supply Study
Fort Bend County encompasses approximately 876 square miles in southeast Texas near the Gulf of Mexico. The County's sole source of potable water is groundwater, which supplied 28 million...
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