Evaluation of the Effects of Temperature and Oxygen Concentration on Lignin Biodegradation
Color in natural waters has been attributed to humic substances which are believed to originate as by-products of lignin biodegradation. The purpose of our research was to examine the...

Eliminating Pollution From Combined Sewer Overflows With Inlet Controls
The problem of contamination of surface waters with storm and sanitary discharges from combined sewer systems has been one of the most difficult problems confronting environmental engineers,...

Water Diversion at Low-Level Waste Disposal Sites
Shallow depth to groundwater, surface drainage, and subsurface flow during storm events are major environmental concerns of low-level radioactive waste management operations in humid regions....

A Study of River Foaming and its Possible Causes
Foaming has been observed on uncontaminated upland streams draining watersheds having no human related development. Because water alone will not foam when agitated, the presence of these...

Quantification of Transit Losses, and its Effects on Surface-Water Resources, Arkansas River Basin, Colorado
Colorado Water Law enables downstream water users to use natural river channels to convey water from upstream storage reservoirs to downstream canals, provided an equitable charge is made...

Effect of Surge Cycle Ratio and Cycle Time on Infiltration
A recirculating furrow infiltrometer was used to simulate surge flow irrigation for various cycle times and cycle ratios. The data collected was used to evaluate two empirical surge flow...

Effect of Wetted Perimeter on Infiltration in Furrows
Five empirical infiltration equations were evaluated using data from blocked infiltrometer tests with wetted perimeter values ranging from 28 to 49 cm. The results indicate that the Kostiakov...

Interbasin Transfers of Water in Ogallala States
Water rights to enable a major interbasin transfer can be obtained either through an initial appropriation or by acquiring an existing water right. All unappropriated surface water in...

Effect of Subsurface Drainage in the Lower Mississippi Valley on Surface Water Quality
Sediment and nutrient losses were measured from a subsurface drainage-runoff-erosion experiment for the years 1981 to 1984. The experiment, located near Baton Rouge, Louisiana, consisted...

Effect of Agricultural Drainage on Surface Water Quality in Delaware
Parts of Kent and Sussex counties, Delaware, require drainage to have productive agricultural soils. Drainage has been installed on the Delmarva Peninsula since colonial days. Drainage...

Progress in Controlling Subsidence in the Houston Area
The withdrawal of large quantities of groundwater in Harris and Galveston counties of Texas has resulted in a critical subsidence problem, especially in the low lying areas along the coast....

Channels and Groundwater: The Hydraulic Connection
Hydraulic connection between surface and groundwater implies that surface water can seep into the ground (transmission losses from open channels, for example) and eventually become or...

Nonlinear Deformation and Bispectral Change of Random Gravity Waves on Sloping Bed
A WKB-perturbation method is applied to the deformation of random gravity waves in water of slowly varying depth. In the present analysis, a spectral representation of WKB-type is assumed...

Water Surface Profiles in Compound Channels
The paper explores the use of the proposed compound channel Froude number in problems of water surface profile computation. It can be used not only to determine critical depth and to identify...

Ground-Water Drainage to Surface Mines Refined
Changes in seepage flux and hydraulic head (ground-water level) resulting from ground-water drainage into the first and subsequent cuts of a surface coal mine can be estimated by a technique...

Numerical Models for Two-Dimensional Surface Runoff
Numerical models for surface runoff in watersheds having two-dimensional or horizontally varying topography are presented. Two finite element methodologies, a standard Galerkin and a streamline...

Data Acquisition and Control for Hydraulic Models
The Waterways Experiment Station is expanding the use of computer controlled data acquisition and control equipment on a variety of hydraulic models. These systems are presently being...

Tension-Compression Test of a Concrete Specimen Via a Structure Damage Theory
The concrete sample is assumed to consist of a large number of aggregates and cement paste. Their material properties are assumed to be perfectly elastic. The effective elastic property...

Time Rated Infiltrated Depth Families
A new set of infiltration families has been developed, for 'normal' soils to describe cumulative infiltrated depth versus time. This new family of curves is described...

Ocean Energy
The Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) component nominated this year as an ASCE Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement involves the most critical design problem; the cold water...





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