Luo, Ming
The algebraic stress model of turbulence is employed to calculate the 2-D flow field of the Gongzhui reservoir region. The discharge distribution among the discharging structures is achieved...

Reservoir Sediment Removal: Hydrosuction Dredging
Hydrosuction dredging is a relatively little-known method of removing sediment deposits from reservoirs. The method is similar to traditional hydraulic dredging except the difference between...

Relation of Unit Gravel Discharge to Mean Velocity
In sand-bed streams, the unit discharge of sand varies approximately with the fifth power of the mean velocity and inversely with the median diameter of the bed sediment. Similar relations...

Bed Material and Numerical Modeling in a Gravel/Cobble Bed Stream
The characteristics of bed material in a cobble or gravel river and their use for numerical simulation of flushing flow needs are discussed. There are three types of bed material: 1) material...

Flow and Sediment Transport at River Diversions
Flow pattern and sediment transport at diversions are studied. Submerged vanes are shown to be an effective measure for reducing sediment entrainment. Effectiveness of the vanes is evaluated...

Use of HEC-2 and HEC-6 to Determine Levee Heights and Revetment Toe Scour Depths
The paper presents the use of HEC-2 and HEC-6 to determine levee heights and revetment toe scour depths. These adjustments are due to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District...

Discharge-Frequency Relationships in Distributary Flow Systems
The paper describes discharge-frequency relationships in distributary flow systems. The stream network that makes up the flow system is described in terms of how the various stream segments...

Evaluating an Autoregressive Model for Stream Flow Forecasting
Daily stream discharge generated by an Autoregressive Model is helpful in the design and risk assessment of temporary riverine construction projects. This case study uses actual daily...

Problems of Stream Flood Simulation and Prediction
The article presents a report on the natural flooding in a stream and the problems encountered when simulating and predicting stream floods. The complexity of flood characteristics, the...

Hocking River Sedimentation Study
The channel improvement project located on the Hocking River in Athens, Ohio is estimated to have prevented over 68 million dollars in flood damages since its completion in 1971. However,...

Management of Sediments on the Red River Waterway Project
The Red River is a large alluvial river system with the lower 280 miles currently being developed for shallow draft navigation. The navigation project entails construction of five locks...

Temporal and Spatial Variations of Suspended Sediment Concentration during Navigation Traffic in a Natural River
Suspended sediment samples were collected within the channel border area during barge-tow passage events at three cross-sectional locations on the Upper Mississippi River. Typical plots...

Local Scour Potential for Large Bed Material with Shallow Tailwater Depth
Jet momentum acting on a bed particle and submerged jet diffusion theory were employed to derive scour prediction formulas in a plunge pool. Semi-theoretical formulas were suggested for...

An Interagency Overview of Selected Stream Sedimentation Models
The author's experience in developing stream sedimentation models is presented. The interagency study consisted of three phases. Phase one involved making an inventory of the computer...

An Improved Design of Excluding Sediment into River Intake Structures
The function of excluding sediment into river intake structures is usually achieved by the device of sluice ways. Although many sluice ways have been constructed and many formulas are...

Fortification of MMOC Models for Steep-Channel Flows
The Multimode Method of Characteristics(MMOC), designed to solve unsteady flows, is a new comprehensive scheme formulated by merging several individual characteristic schemes of the specified-time-interval...

Flow and Chloride Transport in the Tidal Hudson River, NY
A one-dimensional dynamic-flow model and a one-dimensional solute-transport model were used to evaluate the effects of hypothetical public-supply water withdrawals on saltwater intrusion...

Thermo-Hydrodynamic Modelling of the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal
A one-dimensional numerical model of the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal and Lower Des Plaines River has been developed as a tool for assessment of the waterway's thermal response to actual...

Salinity and Dissolved-Oxygen Dynamics in a Wind-Driven Estuary
Water levels, near-surface and near-bottom salinities, and near-surface and near-bottom dissolved-oxygen concentrations were measured continuously in the Pamlico River estuary, North Carolina,...

Water Quality Enhancement Technology for River-Reservoir Systems
Water quality enhancement technology is applied to a wide variety of field conditions in surface waters including rivers, lakes and reservoir epiliminia, lake and reservoir hypolimnia,...





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