Lift Station Design
This article describes a computing basics program that calculates flows in sanitary or storm sewage lift station. The program was written to aid in design of duplex sanitary or storm sewage...

The Effects of the 1985 Mexico City Earthquake on Underground Water & Sewer Pipelines
The 1985 Mexico City Earthquake left thousands dead and many thousands more without shelter. The visible damage was immense and terrible, and familiar to people around the world through...

Computer Modeling of Collection Systems for Sulfide Evaluation (abstract)
An overview of two computer models and a nomograph model for sulfide prediction is presented. The first program, 'SULF. BAS', is a Basic Language computer model...

Controlling Sulfide Corrosion in Large Diameter Gravity Sewers (abstract)
The County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County undertook a major evaluation of sewer system ranging in size from 1. 22 to 3. 65 meters in diameter that transports peak wastewater...

Performance of a Deterministic Storm Runoff Model
The paper discusses model comparisons based on a Tulsa, Oklahoma, case study. Modeling strategies were explored, four of which were modeled in detail because of the extremes in range of...

Rainfall-Loss Parameter Estimation for Illinois
The U. S. Geological Survey is currently conducting an investigation to estimate values of parameters for two rainfall-loss computation methods used in a commonly used flood-hydrograph...

Estimating Probable Storm Damage on Barrier Islands
This paper demonstrates a methodology for estimating probable property damage losses from hurricanes on barrier islands. Using the case study of Gasparilla Island, Florida, it estimates...

Simplified Prediction of Storm Surge on an Open Coast Using a Microcomputer
Computer-generated wind fields have a flexibility that is not available with standard manual procedure; i. e. different illustrative concepts can be given a trial run at low cost. A spreadsheet...

Flood Reduction Efficiency of the Water-Management System in Dade County (Miami), Florida
Two tropical weather systems, Hurricane Donna (1960) and Tropical Storm Dennis (1981), produced nearly equivalent amounts of rainfall in a 48-hour period south of the Miami (Florida) area....

Stormwater Management in Kansas
This paper evaluates the current stormwater management practices of Kansas cities. This evaluation is based on a survey of all Kansas cities with populations over 10,000. Issues examined...

Design Storms for Urban Drainage
The characteristics of design storms for urban drainage are reviewed. There are indications that, under certain conditions, design storms produce runoff simulation results which are equivalent...

Characteristics of Intense Storms in Kansas
This paper examines point-rainfall characteristics of intense storms in Kansas. Hourly rainfall records were analyzed for 1006 intense storms selected from some 1800 station-years of data....

Use of Continuous Simulation Versus the Design Storm Concept for Water Quality
The validity of the design storm concept has been challenged by several investigators since the development of computer simulation models. Of particular interest are the studies that compare...

On-Site Microcomputer Control of a Combined Sewer Overflow Diversion Structure
This paper describes the design of an inexpensive system for controlling combined sewer overflows using on-site equipment (raingauges, flow gauges, automatic gates, and microcomputers)....

The United Kingdom Approach to Rehabilitation
Following concern over the condition and performance of its underground assets, the UK Water Industry has developed strategies for cost effective sewer and water main rehabilitation. These...

The Effect of Storms on Pollution Loading Estimates
A rather extensive field and modeling program is underway in the Sandusky Bay/Nearshore region of Lake Erie and the objective of this paper is to summarize the preliminary results of a...

Prediction of Sediment Yield for Southern California Watersheds
The objective of this paper is to present a scientific method based on multiple linear regression analysis between the sediment yield per square mile and a number of physically realistic...

Storm Dynamics in the Lake Ontario Region
A program package, RAINPAK, was written to develop appropriate rainfall input, based on concepts of the physical processes behind the temporal and spatial distribution of storm rainfall...

Intense Storms and the Runoff Coefficient
During prolonged, intense storms the runoff coefficient increases in value and approaches one irrespective of the vegetation and soil characteristics of the watershed. As the runoff coefficient...

Unique Flood and Drainage Problems in Los Angeles
Storm drainage for the coastal cities has to traverse highly used sandy recreational beaches. Due to new requirements on the construction of storm drains to the ocean, a beach outlet has...





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