Current Progress in Implementing the Payments-Equal-to-Taxes (PETT)
The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1992, as amended (NWPA), requires the Secretary of Energy to make Payments-Equal-To-Taxes (PETT) to local units of government that are affected by the potential...

Project on Contaminations-Radiation-Ecosystems-Health in Russia
We would like to discuss with you a project that we are currently developing, doing research upon and completing. In our report we represent the the following: - a few experimental data...

Durability Testing of the High-Capacity GA-4/GA-9 Trailer
General Atomics (GA) is under contract to the US Department of Energy (DOE), Idaho Field Office, to develop two legal-weight truck from-reactor spent-fuel shipping casks with trailers....

League of Women Voters Education Fund?Providing a Forum for Public Information and Participation
In March of 1992, the League of Women Voters Education Fund (LWVEF) signed a five-year cooperative agreement with the Department of Energy (DOE) to provide American citizens with information...

Resource Implications of Listing Columbia River Basin Salmon Stocks Under the Endangered Species Act
The Columbia River and Snake River dams and reservoirs provide substantial benefits in the Northwest through their operation for hydropower, flood control, irrigation, navigation, and...

Licensing and Permitting the Devil's Nose Project Under the 1990's Regulatory Conditions
Amador County is one of California's mountain counties of the western slope of the Sierra Nevada range in the north central portion of the state. The present population is estimated to...

Characterization of Uncertainty in Reservoir Operations
The development of operating policies for complex reservoir systems typically requires a consideration of various system component interrelationships and several conflicting operating...

Research Needs in Water Resources Planning and Management
When the WRPMD was formed, expectations about research were high, but in this new era we must reexamine the role of research. The greatest policy need for the water industry is institutional:...

Innovation and Diversification?The Key to our Future Water Supply
Water resources management must modernize, innovate, and diversify to meet the challenges of tomorrow: reliable water supply sources of acceptable quality, a cost-effective approach to...

Local Agency Regulation: The Policies and Process of Surface Water Protection
King County, Washington, adopted a Surface Water Design Manual in January 1990. This manual, which has served as a resource guide in developing similar manuals throughout the Pacific Northwest...

Ag-To-Urban Water Transfer in California: Win-Win Solutions
Water transfers from farms to the cities are widely viewed as the next major source of supply to urban California. Ag-to-Urban permanent water transfers may have negative consequences...

Water Supply Systems Planning with Water Transfers
This study examines the recent use of water transfers in California, particularly during the current drought. The emphasis is on how planners and operators of federal, state, and local...

The Once and Future ASCE Model Water Allocation Law
The Water Resources Planning and Management Division during its two decade history has been concerned about water rights allocation and transfer law. It established a Water Laws Committee...

Instream Flows According to the ASCE Model State Water Code
The ASCE Model Water Code provides two mechanisms for protecting instream uses of water: reservations and water management areas. Implementation might be difficult unless the relation...

Watershed Management at Three Governmental Levels
Examples of holistic water resources management by the federal, state, and local levels of government illustrate practical application of basic principles of watershed management and public...

A Planning Strategy for Safe Drinking Water Act Compliance
This paper presents a simple planning strategy for drinking water utilities that will allow them to move ahead with system upgrades and specific regulatory compliance programs even though...

The Challenges of Interstate Water Planning and Management
This study is one of four primary basin studies as part of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers National Study of Water Management During Drought, a four year study initiated after the Drought...

Citizen Participation in Water Supply System Planning and Management
The Water Supply Citizens Advisory Committee (WSCAC) is a unique citizens group. Although it is funded by the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA), it has a paid staff who are...

Analysis of Operating Criteria: Multiple Lakes at Voyageurs National Park
An overview of lake and river regulation at Voyageurs National Park, which resides on the Minnesota-Ontario border, is given to demonstrate how water policy agreements can work. In 1905...

Developing a Workable Public Input Process for Aesthetics and Recreational Needs During Hydropower Licensing
Aesthetics and recreation are becoming increasingly important issues during hydropower licensing. A variety of regulations and legislation mandate the protection of instream flows for...





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