Analyses of Foundation Failures
During the earthquake of September 19th, 1985, many buildings tilted and underwent settlements, sometimes of very large magnitudes. This paper describes and analyzes these settlements....

Seismic Design Criteria for Foundations on Control Piles
Control piles have been widely used in Mexico City for underpinning buildings with excessive settlements caused by the consolidation of the soft clay deposits, and as a foundation solution...

Burying the Nuclear Past
The Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Program involves reclaiming 24 tailings piles. The work is done in terms of Federal Legislation to prtect the environment and people from the...

Settlement of Residual Soils
The method previously suggested by the author in 1977 for calculating settlement of non-plastic to slightly plastic Piedmont Physiographic Region residual soils is reviewed. Additional...

Pressure Injected Footings in Piedmont Profiles
Comparatively little has been published on the behavior of pressure injected footings in the Piedmont residual soils and weathered rocks. It is the purpose of this paper to describe some...

Dispersive Soil and its Influence on the Design of Reach 1A of the Tucson Aqueduct?Central Arizona Project
An extensive geotechnical field exploration and laboratory testing program was conducted because of dispersive and erosive soils along the alignment of the canal. The canal design was...

Construction of Fisherman's Wharf Breakwater
The San Francisco District of the United States Army Corps of Engineers recently completed construction of a breakwater at Fisherman's Wharf. The construction, completed ahead...

The Chicago Lakefront Plan - 1986
Although Chicago is considered to have one of the world's most beautiful and also stable waterfronts, much of its shore protection is in imminent danger of failure. Nearly...

Landfill Stabilization for Structural Purposes
The insitu stabilization of landfills and waste disposal sites for structural and environmental purposes has recently been accomplished through the application of existing soil stabilization...

Environmental Geotechnology & Tailings Reclamation
The Department of Energy is responsible, in terms of Federal Legislation, for remedial action work at 24 inactive uranium mill tailings piles in ten states. This paper describes the setting...

Field Measurements of Landfill Surface Settlements
The Collier Road Landfill, located in southeast Michigan, has been accepting industrial and muncipal solid waste since the late 1960's. This existing landfill encompasses...

Analysis of Plastic Soil in Contact with Cavitose Bedrock
A numerical analysis has been conducted to evaluate the stress deformational response of highly plastic soils in contact with cavitose Bedrock. The numerical idealization represents the...

Foundations for Transmission Line Towers
This special technical publication contains the proceedings of a two session symposium on foundations for transmission line towers. These papers were written by researchers, geotechnical...

Dynamic Response of Pile Foundations?Experiment, Analysis and Observation
In recent years, a considerable amount of attention has been paid to the dynamic response behavior of pile foundations. However, mainly because of difficulties in conducting tests and/or...

Hydraulic Structures on Piles
Many hydraulic structures built in the early 1900's were founded on piles. Today, when these structures are analyzed as 'pile-supported', the analyses...

Local Scour Under Waves Oblique to Current
Local scour around a cylindrical pile subjected to waves oblique to current was experimentally studied in a laboratory flume with a wave generator. The mode of wave-current interaction...

The Briny Deep Comes Ashore
Amusement park attractions are not all fun and games. More than 10 years of planning by dozens of firms went into the Living Seas Pavilion at Walt Disney's Epcot Center. The...

Innovative Approaches to Bridge Pier Foundation Design
As a part of a Value Engineering change proposal the pier foundations for the US-31 bridge over the St. Joseph River and floodplain near Niles, Michigan were re-designed. The varying soil...

Lateral Impedance of Contact Pile Foundations
The static and dynamic lateral impedance of pile foundations for which there is continuous contact between the bottom of the pilecap and the underlying soil is investigated. A parametric...

Taipei Trade
The appearance of this building is remarkable�so were the cost savings. A design change form rigid shear walls to a ductile frame helped keep construction of Taipei's World...





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