Application of Computer Support for Water Quality Management
A Computer-Aided Support System for operation of the QUAL2E-UNCAS river water quality model has been developed for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coastal Region....

CASS for Evaluating Hg Contamination in Clear Lake, CA
Characterization of ecosystem contamination and evaluation of potential mitigation schemes represent two of the most immediate challenges to management of water resources. Heavy metals...

The Impact of Global Warming on Water Resources: Overview and Implications for Coastal California
In the past two years, impressive evidence has accumulated that global warming is occurring and is related to the increase in greenhouse gasses. The impact of the warming process on water...

Ground Water Management Standards and Protection Tools
Once local goals and objectives for ground-water protection have been defined, wellhead protection areas delineated, sources of contamination inventoried and assessed, management techniques...

Developing an Ecosystem Approach for Restoration of the Bay of Quinte
Author describes the ecosystem approach that has been utilized for the restoration of the Bay of Quinte. Brief description of the study area is presented. Various problems such as bacterial...

Coupled Simulation-Optimization Approach to Wellhead Protection Area Delineation to Minimize Contamination of Public Ground-Water Supplies
A loosely coupled simulation-optimization procedure is used to determine the steady-state pumping rates for individuals wells in a multiple well municipal wellfield that result in the...

Assessment of TCE Concentration in South Tucson Water Network
This paper summarizes a study that estimated trichloroethylene (TCE) contamination patterns in a portion of the Tucson water distribution network due to several polluted wells. Aspects...

Groundwater Contaminant Transport at a Hazardous Waste Disposal Site, Pullman, Washington
Groundwater contamination at a hazardous waste site near Pullman, Washington is simulated by a numerical model. The aquifer at the site is classified as an unconfined valley aquifer. Solute...

Investigation and Rehabilitation of the Moses Lake Larson Wellfield
In 1988, low levels of trichloroethylene (TCE) were detected in several of the Larson wells operated by the City of Moses Lake. The wells are up to 800 feet deep and are completed in fractured...

Optimal Strategy for Aquifer Remediation
A methodology for the restoration and cleanup of existing subsurface contaminated sites and for the contaminant of pollutants is developed. The remediation problem is posed as an optimization...

Developing, Managing, and Protecting Urban Aquifers in the Pacific Northwest
Water purveyors in the Puget Sound region have applied a variety of innovative techniques to effectively manage urban groundwater supplies from a quantity and quality perspective. Two...

Large-Scale Conjunctive Use of the San Gabriel Basin: An Environmentally Beneficial Water Supply Project
The 170-square-mile San Gabriel Basin in Los Angeles County, California, has commanded the attention of both water supply and environmental agencies because: (1) it is an idyllic natural...

The West Point Story?Chapter 3: An Integrated Park and Treatment Plant
The West Point Wastewater treatment plant in Seattle sits on a small parcel of land that juts out into Puget Sound. In 1984, controversy erupted when Seattle Metro recognized that West...

The City of Los Angeles Gray Water Pilot Project Shows Safe Use of Gray Water is Possible
A year-long study of eight residential gray water systems was conducted in the City of Los Angeles. Soils irrigated with gray water were compared monthly with soils irrigated with municipal...

Implementing a Watershed Plan for Lake Stevens
The water quality of Lake Stevens is declining because of watershed nonpoint pollution and cycling of nutrients from lake sediments. Hypolimnetic aeration and an alum treatment are proposed...

Design of Aquatic Treatment Systems
This paper describes the design parameters and operating procedures used for a nonpoint pollution/stormwater treatment facility known as an Aquatic Treatment System to be located in the...

Selection of Optimal Best Management Practices (BMP's)
The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) urban storm water program requires municipalities to remove non-point source (NPS) pollution to the 'maximum extent practicable',...

Urban Runoff Considerations in the Design of Wastewater Management Programs for Coastal Areas
The continuing increase in the population of the nation's coastal areas is placing additional stress on coastal aquatic systems faster than it can be reduced through improved wastewater...

Urban Stormwater Runoff Control System?Village of Skokie, Illinois
Combined sewer systems in many communities lack the capacity to convey stormwater runoff from even small to moderate storm. This inadequate capacity, in turn, causes basement flooding...

Storage/Treatment Isoquants for CSO Control Planning
A quantitative procedure which identifies the technically efficient combinations of storage volume and treatment rate necessary to achieve various levels of combined sewer overflows (CSO)...





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