Using GIS to Develop 2-D Hydraulic Models
As communities along rivers and streams continue to develop, the demand for more accurate floodplain analysis and flood warning will also increase. Computer systems continue to develop...

Reservoir Operation Using Bayesian Inferencing and Balancing Rules
The water resources problem addressed in this paper is real-time, multi-purpose reservoir operation. Specifically, daily, or at the most, weekly operations are considered. A hybrid modeling...

Optimization of the Design and Operation of Soil Vapor Extraction Systems
Volatile organic compounds (VOC's) immobilized within the soil unsaturated zone constitute a significant source of groundwater contamination. Soil vapor extraction systems (SVES's), which...

Evaluating Sensitivity of Hydraulic Control Optimization Models
Sensitivity of hydraulic control optimization models to variation in gradient constraints is examined. Monte Carlo simulation is used in conjunction with repeated optimization runs to...

Probabilistic Characterization of Droughts
The Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) uses a set of meteorologic and hydrologic variables to create a numerical value for drought severity. The index values are grouped into drought...

Sustainable Management of Existing Reservoirs
Instead of a design and planning of new reservoirs in the future, more emphasis will be placed on the management of existing reservoirs. Reservoir storage reallocation and reassessment...

Integration of Reliability, Uncertainty and Optimization in Hydraulics Systems: Classification of Problem Types
Design and operation of hydraulic systems can be an extremely complex task. Although not widely accepted the application of deterministic optimization techniques can provide guidance to...

Application of the PCRSS Reservoir Simulation Model to the Salt River Project
PCRSS is a general purpose reservoir system model construction kit. It allows the user to specify the system configuration and parameters through the use of a windows based graphic user...

A Decision Support System for Reassessing the Operation of the Chungju Reservoir System
The Chungju Reservoir is a component of the Han River System in Korea. Chungju Reservoir consists of a main reservoir and a downstream smaller reservoir that serves as an after bay. It...

A Decision Support System for Multi-Purpose Reservoir Operations
A generalized decision support system (DSS) is presented for developing optimal operation policies for multi-purpose reservoirs. The model is designed for single reservoirs, although is...

Colorado River Decision Support System
Colorado is developing its own tools, such as the Colorado River Decision Support System (CRDSS), to evaluate alternative strategies and establish an informed and factual position regarding...

Modeling Temperature Impacts on Salmon Survival
Among research goals at the University of California-Davis are the development and application of mathematical models to study water quality impacts on threatened and endangered species....

Building Groundwater Optimizers That Respond to the Needs of Decision-Makers
Optimization methods are being sought and employed to design systems that remediate contaminated groundwater regions (and, in fact, the subsurface in general) with increasing frequency....

Arizona Groundwater Management Alternatives
Sustainable groundwater management policies are examined through the use of a hydrologic-economic impact model of Arizona surface and groundwater use. Present water use practices were...

A Physically Based Conceptual Model for Simulating Contaminant Levels in Subsurface Water
A conceptual physical model is developed to simulate solute transport and mixing in the vadose (unsaturated) and groundwater zones. The conceptual model couples lumped-parameters models...

Uncertainty in Reservoir Operation Optimisation
The water resources literature is rich with the application of optimisation techniques in the presence of uncertainty. This paper presents a brief overview of the various ways uncertainty...

Explicit Stochastic Modelling of a Reservoir for Hydropower Production
A new reliability model for planning the operation of a multipurpose reservoir for hydropower generation and flood control, which considers the stochastic nature of inflows and power demand...

Modeling Flow in Variably-Saturated Porous Media
An expression for effective hydraulic conductivity to solve groundwater flow problems is developed. Also, a refined Monte Carlo (MC) simulation procedure is proposed. The developed methodologies...

Optimal Operation of Soil Aquifer Treatment System
Mathematical models based on nonlinear programming are developed for operating soil aquifer treatment(SAT) systems. The objective of these optimization models is to determine the operation...

Water Resource Modeling and Consensus Building
The steps undertaken to develop consensus with respect to analyzing a complex and competitive water resources/water rights situation through the development of a simulation model are described....





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