Application of the Diflupress L.D. Field Test to Settlement Calculation
Electricite de France developed a new in situ measurement apparatus (Diflupress L.D.) in order to predict the delayed settlements that can appear under heavy constructions. From the experimental...

Consolidation Characteristics of an Offshore Clay Deposit
This paper summarizes the results from a comprehensive laboratory and in situ investigation of an offshore clay deposit in the northeastern coast of Brazil. Laboratory permeability data...

The Role of Shale Pores in Settlement
Waste fills resulting from the mining of coal in Appalachia should ideally consist of large, free-draining sedimentary rock fragments. The successful performance of these embankments is...

Case History of a Collapsible Soil Fill
Collapse settlement of a deep compacted fill led to damage of a group of condominium units. The fill consisted of a highly heterogeneous mixture of coarse- to fine-grained soil containing...

Settlement of Dynamically Compacted Deposits
This paper compares predicted and measured settlements of deposits that were densified by means of dynamic compaction. Settlement records are presented for sites consisting of old, midage,...

Experimental Study of the Settlement of Shallow Foundations
This article describes the main results obtained experimentally by the French Bridge and Road Research Laboratories on the settlement of shallow foundations under centered vertical loads....

Settlement Analysis for 450 Meter Tall KLCC Towers
The site evaluation and settlement analysis performed for the two tallest buildings in the world currently under construction, are described. The site evaluation resulted in shifting building...

Load Settlement curve Method for Spread Footings of Sand
A newly developed method is presented to predict the complete load settlement curve for square spread footings on sand loaded at their center with a vertical load and with an embedment...

Test and Prediction Results for Five Spread Footings on Sand
A separate volume summarizes this prediction symposium. It is available from ASCE in New York and is entitled as listed above. This prediction event took place during the conference and...

Evaluating Activated Sludge Secondary Clarifier Performance: A Protocol
To establish a consistent methodology for evaluating secondary clarifier performance, the ASCE Clarifier Research Technical Committee prepared procedural guidelines in the form of a draft...

Assessing the Reliability of Low Pressure Membrane Systems for Microbial Removal
Low pressure membrane systems are used for microorganisms control in water treatment processes. In this article, the efficiency and reliability of this process is evaluated. Microorganism...

Computation of a flood event using a two dimensional finite element model and its comparison to field data
This paper reports on an attempt to begin a rigorous field testing programme for two dimensional finite element flow models, examining the impacts of mesh resolution and numerical method...

Laboratory and Field Evaluation of Acoustic Velocity Meters
A project is currently underway to evaluate the performance of 27 acoustic flowmeters used at Hoover, Davis, and Parker Dams on the lower Colorado River. Field surveys and laboratory testing...

Real-Time Data Collection of Scour at Bridges
The record flood on the Mississippi River during the summer of 1993 provided a rare opportunity to collect data on scour of the streambed at bridges and to test data collection equipment...

Development of a Visual Method to Track the Movement of Hydrogen Bubbles in a Laboratory Flume
The current study proposes a visual method for tracking the hydrogen bubbles position with time in a 2-D space. The experiment is filmed from above with a video camera. The obtained movie...

Comparison of Current Meters Used for Stream Gaging
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is field and laboratory testing the performance of several current meters used throughout the world for stream gaging. Meters tested include horizontal-axis...

Design and Execution of Hydrodynamic Field Data Collection using Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling Equipment
Proposed major changes to the navigation channel depth in the Cape Fear River prompted an investigation of the existing hydrodynamics of the river system. The observed data are to be used...

Comparison of Headcut Advance Testing and Soil Test Results
This paper presents the results of a study conducted in a flume to determine headcut advance rates of two base soils compacted at various compaction moistures and placement energies. The...

Sandstone Materials Used as Riprap
A study was conducted to determine if sandstone materials could be potentially used as riprap. Nineteen rock samples (16 sandstone samples) were collected in six western states. The rock...

Hydraulic Model Studies of Recessed Curb Inlets and Bridge Drains
A large hydraulic model (64 ft long by 10.5 ft wide) was used to test several geometries of recessed curb inlets and three types of bridge drains. Testing was at 3/4 scale for the recessed...





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