High Plains States Groundwater Recharge Program
The Bureau of Reclamation is conducting a 2-phase program to demonstrate the feasibility of recharging declining aquifers in the 17 Western States. The U. S. Geological Survey, Environmental...

Transfer of Weather Modification Technology to Users
The Task Committee on Utilization of Weather Modification Technology was formed in October 1984 with the stated purpose 'To facilitate the transfer of information concerning...

Stochastic Stream Flow Analysis for Hydrograph Controlled Waste Release
A risk based procedure for the design of hydrograph controlled release sewage lagoons is derived. The procedure is based on a stochastic analysis of streamflow events above a given threshold...

A Practical Hydrologic Model for Urban Watersheds
A typical problem in watershed management is determining the peak discharge and runoff volume for numerous and combined watersheds. The methods available to solve this problem are often...

An Urban Hydrology Model for the Personal Computer
The use of personal computers to evaluate the effects of urbanization on the hydraulic response characteristics of a watershed is discussed in this paper. Specifically, the use of a group...

HEC-1 and HEC-2 Applications on the Microcomputer
The Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) has developed versions of the HEC-1 Flood Hydrograph Package and the HEC-2 Water Surface Profiles programs for MS/PC-DOS compatible microcomputers...

Theory for Development of the TR-55 Tabular Hydrograph Method
Technical Release No. 55 (TR-55), 'Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds,' was originally developed by the United States Soil Conservation Service (SCS) in the...

TR-55 Microcomputer Implementation
Microcomputer software is now available which implements the Soil Conservation Service's recently revised 'Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds',...

A Linked Stream-Aquifer System Model
A linked stream-aquifer system (LISAS) model is described. This model includes a deterministic sequential flow simulation component which generates hydrographs of surface runoff and deep...

Comparison of Hydrograph Simulation Techniques Used in Structural Design and Watershed Systems Modeling
This paper describes a basin study in which traditional unit hydrograph analysis methods were compared to the E. J. Inman hydrograph technique. Study results indicate that, where suitable...

A Geomorphologically-Based Runoff Prediction Model: Case Study of Two Gauged Watersheds in Saudi Arabia
Using the Geomorphologic Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (GIUH) and via the convolution transformation, a linear discharge hydrograph prediction model is obtained. Infiltration in streams...

Overview of a Real-Time Flood Management Model
A flood management model was developed for the operation of the six reservoirs making up the Highland Lakes System on the Colorado River in Texas. The model allows simulation of over 700...

The Storage Matching Technique of Detention Basin Design
In recent years, use of continuous rainfall - runoff simulation with historic rainfall data has become much more popular for the design of detention basins and reservoirs. While it may...

Flood Forecasting Using Local Resources
A dynamic wave flood routing computer program has been used to develop a flood forecasting model for a 5000 mi**2 watershed in lower Michigan. The modeled area covers over 200 miles of...

Heppner, Oregon Flood Warning System: An Interagency Cooperative Effort
The flood warning system is a network of event-actuated precipitation and river level gages in two flash flood prone drainage basins of 44 and 6. 8 square mile areas. These basins enter...

A Filtering Approach to Flood Routing
Hydrologic river routing and hydraulic channel routing are in general use for flood routing. Both approaches use deterministic mathematical models and treat inflow and outflow hydrographs...

A Hybrid Model for Storage Routing Through Rock Dumps
Construction of permeable structures across stream channels results in temporary impoundment of flood waters upstream of such structures. This happens because the hydraulic conveyance...

Results of a Regional Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Study
Selected results of a regional synthetic unit hydrograph study are presented. Using the gamma function to approximate the SCS curvilinear unit hydrograph, peak rate factors were determined...

Development, Use, and Synthesis of S-Graphs
A study to identify S-graphs from the southwestern United States has been completed. This study has resulted in the compliation of 53 S-graphs, documentation of some of the watershed characteristics,...

Flood Hydrology Modeling: U.S. Virgin Islands
To develop a consistent basis for evaluating existing flooding problems and for planning activities to reduce future flood damage, a watershed modeling project was initiated by the Government...





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