Hydrogen?The Clean Fuel of Tomorrow is Available Today
This paper examines the role of fossil fuels and advocates a proactive energy policy to stimulate the use of domestically produced 'clean' energy carriers (fuels),...

Beyond Engineering: The Politics of Maracaibo
The Lake Maracaibo Bridge in Venezuela was built in 1959. It ranks as one of the largest and longest bridges in the world at the time it was built and contained the longest concrete cable-stayed...

Predicted Thermal and Stress Environments in the Vicinity of Repository Openings
An understanding of the thermal and stress environment in the vicinity of repository openings is important for preclosure performance considerations and worker health and safety considerations...

The CVSA Pilot Study of Highway Vehicle Inspection Procedures for the Transportation of Radioactive Materials
To further the goal of enhancing the safe and efficient transportation of radioactive materials, the US Department of Energy and the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance have entered into...

Structural Optimization to Limit Natural Periods
It is necessary to limit the natural periods of some structures to control their response to dynamic loads. Floor systems with natural periods greater than approximately 0.15 seconds may...

A Logical Variable Approach to Water Supply Reliability
The calculation of the reliability that water will be available at a demand point in a distribution network is complicated by the redundancy of paths from the source to the point. The...

Vibration Suppression Through Liquid Oscillations
A passive liquid-motivated control system is proposed to suppress and reduce the lateral drift of high-rise buildings. The vibration reduction mechanism relies on liquid motion to alter...

Distant Eyes
A remotely operated vehicle is a miniature unmanned submersible that contains lights, a video camera, other instrumentation, and motor thrusters to move it through the water. The operator,...

Safeguarding History
Even monolithic marble monuments, such as the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, fall prey to materials deterioration. Now, sensitive instrumentation systems can document and analyze even the...

Use of Advanced Technologies for Improving Hazmat Transportation Safety
This paper describes how advanced technologies can help improve the safety of over the road hazardous material transportation. The technologies discussed include driver information systems,...

Permit Compliance Programs for Large Scale Development Projects
California Assembly Bill 3180 requires that the implementation of environmental mitigation measures be monitored for compliance during project development. Permit compliance programs for...

Inside the Manhole: New Design on a Leaky Link
Wastewater collection systems represent a major investment for every community, not only in capital dollars, but also in the well-being of community members. Though sanitary sewer manholes...

Along the Road to K
Allegations of threats from toxic and hazardous wastes advanced on political and emotional planes threaten, themselves, to overshadow the facts that should dominate ultimate technical...

Epidemiology and Toxicology in Engineering Education
The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. (ABET) first articulated an interest in providing undergraduate engineers with background in occupational health and safety...

Redevelopment of Remediated Superfund Sites: Problems with Current Approaches in Providing Long-Term Public Health Protection
The normal primary objective of Superfund site remediation is the control of hazardous chemicals so that they do not represent a significant threat to public health and the environment...

Development of Effective Remediation Criteria
Clean-up criteria for remediation of hazardous waste sites take several forms. These vary from simple sensory parameters, e.g., visual evidence of contamination to specific numerical criteria...

The Ozone Layer: A Critical Analysis of the Management of Public Policy for Fluorocarbons
As environmental public policy becomes increasingly extensive it continues to have greater impact on the lives of each American. The management of the public policy formation process varies...

In Situ Remediation of Hazardous Wastes
Numerous releases of hazardous substances have occurred at uncontrolled sites all around the United States. These sites pose toxic threats to public health and our environment, and potential...

Environmental Protection, Resource Allocation and CERCLA: A Practitioners Perspective
In accepting Superfund's mandate of protection of human health and the environment in a timely manner, critics often overlook, the limited human, technical and material resources...

California Standards for Characterizing Contamination and Assessing Risk from Hazardous Waste Sites
The Toxic Substances Control Program (TSCP) of the Department of Health Services is responsible for managing California's hazardous waste program. A primary goal of TSCP is...





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