Verification of Shielding Analysis for Spent Fuel Storage Casks
Casks of type CASTOR are used for transport and storage of spent LWR fuel assemblies. The purpose of the present work is the verification of shielding design analysis methods by application...

Evaluation of Neutron Emission from Vitrified HLW Compositions
Neutron radiological hazards from vitrified HLW are important for handling and transportation - especially if the concept of separate storage of concentrated transuranics is adopted, as...

Effect of Lead Shielding on Small Cask Criticality
A study was performed to evaluate gamma shield effects on criticality safety for two modern legal weight truck casks. The lead gamma shield of a small spent fuel shipping cask increases...

Treatment of Non Fuel Bearing Scrap
Problems encountered with the processing of irradiated non fuel bearing components (NFBC) during several rod consolidation demonstration programs identified the need to conduct further...

Non-Fuel Bearing Hardward Melting Technology
Battelle has developed a portable hardware melter concept that would allow spent fuel rod consolidation operations at commercial nuclear power plants to provide significantly more storage...

Consolidating BWR Non-Fuel Bearing Components (NFBC)
Nuclear Assurance Corporation (NAC), in cooperation the with Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation (ESEERCO) and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), has been developing...

The Best of Both Worlds: Integrating Statistical and Deterministic Approaches to Area Remediation
We seek a complete framework for adaptive area characterization for purposes of remediation, incorporating both statistical and deterministic features. This hybrid methodology involves...

A Comparison of Geostatistically-Based Inverse Techniques for Use in Performance Assessment Analyses at the WIPP Site?Results from Test Case No. 1
The groundwater flow pathway in the Culebra Dolomite aquifer at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) has been identified as a potentially important pathway for radionuclide migration...

Stochastic Simulation of Mass Transport in Heterogeneous Formations Using Hard and Soft Conductivity Data
The mass transport in a synthetic 2-D heterogeneous formation is simulated through the Monte-Carlo method using continuum approach. The simulated hydraulic conductivity field are generated...

Helping a Community Control its Future: Potential Negotiating Packages and Benefits for an MRS Host
The voluntary siting process for the Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS) facility set forth in the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act (NWPAA) of 1987 provides a potential host community...

Mangling the Models: Real-Life Experiences in Voluntary Siting
Social scientists are accumulating a growing body of research to guide the development of communications models for siting controversial facilities. The models developed by our social...

Feasibility Assessment Grants in Support of Volunteer Siting of a Monitored Retrievable Storage Facility
The Monitored Retrievable Storage facility (MRS) is an integral component of the planned Federal radioactive waste management system. The MRS will temporarily store spent fuel from commercial...

Trying to Make an Unwanted Facility Palatable
Finding suitable accommodations for the temporary storage and permanent disposal of this nation's low- and high-level radioactive waste is proving an ever more difficult task in this era...

Using Co-Management in a Voluntary Hazardous Waste Facility Siting Process
The recent approval for construction and operation of a hazardous waste management facility in Manitoba, Canada is an example of a siting process that is voluntary and that gives the community...

Significance of Geochemical Characterization to Performance at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
The U.S. concept for permanent disposal of high-level radioactive waste resembles those of other countries in that it relies upon burial in a deep geologic medium. This concept relies...

Radionuclide Solubility and Speciation Studies for the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project
Yucca Mountain, Nevada, U.S.A., is being investigated for its suitability as a potential site for a geologic nuclear waste repository. As part of the site characterization studies, actinide...

Neptunium Retardation with Tuffs and Groundwaters from Yucca Mountain
The retardation of neptunium was studied using batch sorption and column techniques. Pure mineral separates, tuffs and groundwaters from Yucca Mountain were used for these experiments....

Dependence of Radionuclide Sorption on Sample Grinding Surface Area, and Water Composition
Experiments are described that were designed to quantify the dependence of sorption properties and surface area on the crushed-particle size of the rock samples used in batch sorption...

Fission Product Distribution in Nuclear Test Cavities/Chimneys
When a nuclear device is exploded, residual radioactive material is distributed throughout the resulting underground cavity and rubble chimney. Refractory materials are more concentrated...

Research at Howard University on Retardation of Radionuclides by Sorption Processes During Host Rock?Ground Water Interactions
Extensive sorption measurements were made over a period of several years, of major radionuclides in J-13 Well water with Yucca Mountain tuff samples. Most of these measurements were single...





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