Megaproject Management
By the dredging and landfill project manager for the Port of Los Angeles and Alan E. Alcorn, P.E., an associate vice president of Moffat and Nichol Engineers in Los Angeles. The Pier 400...

Leadership and Management in Engineering
Leadership and Management in Engineering, a publication of the Committee on Professional Practice, examines contemporary issues and principles of leadership and management. The focus is on understanding...

Teams and Teamwork: The Potential
Deliberate efforts to develop teamwork in most work groups can clearly improve productivity, communication, schedule maintenance, cost control, work quality, individual satisfaction, and...

What Are Teams and Where Do We Find Them?
The word team may be defined as a group of people, each with different skills and often with different tasks, who work together toward a common project, service, or goal with a meshing...

Benefits and Value of a Team Approach
Many still equate teamwork simply with feeling good or being the right thing to do. Yet leaders who have made the effort to develop teamwork in their work groups have noticed some interesting...

Differing Styles, Personalities and Cultures
It has been my privilege to assist many management groups that are highly multicultural and diverse in their membership. These groups have included minorities, women, and people of all...

Conflict: Handling Differences in Groups and Teams
Many group leaders and members say they have a terrible problem with conflict in their groups, meetings, and discussions. Conflict is indeed a significant problem in many types of organizations,...

Overcoming Separation in Time or Space
Groups such as project teams, practice networks, and marketing groups are becoming ever more dispersed and distributed. For example, on a current project for a major water utility, I'm...

Project Team Leadership
In the research lab, design office, fabricating shop, or on construction site, it is the project manager (PM) who must pull diverse talents and personalities into a project team. Depending...

Guidelines for Inspection and Monitoring of In-Service Penstocks
This volume provides a guide to information and engineering techniques for inspection and monitoring of in-service penstocks. This guide covers penstocks constructed of steel, concrete,...

Avoiding Overload
Working for yourself can bring a rewarding sense of independence, but it can also be hectic as you try to be all things to all people. Engineers who start their own companies often find...

Traffic-Calming Basics
The use of traffic calming measures, such as speed humps, traffic circles, and lane narrowings, is becoming more popular in the United States as a way to reduce vehicle speed and traffic...

Tunneling beneath Cairo
The second phase of the Greater Cairo Metro system in Egypt included many geotechnical challenges. Thirteen kilometers of the 19-km heavy rail line were constructed underground within...

A Better Image
As new sources of satellite and aerial data emerge, and as imagery processing software becomes cheaper and easier to use, engineers are tapping remote sensing data's potential...

Deep Foundations In the Future (Available in Geo-Environmental Special Issue only)
The design and construction of deep foundations has gone from an art form to a scientifically based engineering practice. Research in this field has improved over the past century and...

The Shape of Things to Come
High-performance steel (HPS) offers improved toughness and durability for bridge construction. This article presents several innovative concepts for HPS structural systems�including I-girders...

Moving Mountains
The earthmoving and rock-crushing operations at the Eastside Reservoir represented one of the largest such projects in the history of the United States. The earth and rock-fill dams required...

Designing a Web Site
With the advent of prepackaged software programs that practically set up a Web site by themselves, small engineering firms may assume that designing and operating a Web site is a snap....

NAVSTAR Global Positioning System Surveying
Technical Engineering and Design Guides, as adapted from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, No. 28. This manual provides technical specifications and...

Urban Planning and Development Applications of GIS
Sponsored by the Geographic Information Systems Subcommittee of the Urban Planning and Development Division of ASCE. This report provides the most...





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