Contraction Scour at a Bridge over the Iowa River
Flooding of the Iowa River during July and August 1993 caused extensive contraction scour at the State Highway 99 bridge over the Iowa River at Wapello, Iowa. At least 3.3 m of piling...

Effects of Flow Duration on Local Scour at Bridge Piers in New York
The relation of local scour to the duration of high flows and other hydraulic properties is being studied at 31 bridge sites in New York State. Clear-water scour is common at most of the...

Bridge Pier Scour Equations - An Assessment
A comparative assessment of various bridge pier scour equations has been reported on the basis of analyzing a set of published prototype data from Indian rivers and other countries covering...

Effect of Pier Geometry on Scour in Graded Gravels
This paper summarizes the results of laboratory tests performed on clear water scour around circular and rectangular cross section bridge piers, embedded in a non-uniform coarse sediment...

Is Bedform Development Chaotic?
A qualitative analysis of a model for the partially specified bedform development system is presented. The study rests on the use of technique of loop analysis and the connection of the...

Expert Analysis in Regulated Irrigation Canal Modelling
Application of riverine unsteady-flow numerical modelling techniques to problems of flow regulation in irrigation canals invokes the need for careful treatment of some situations not commonly...

Effects on River Mechanics Due to Reduction in Low-Season Discharge
India's diversion of water from the Ganges River 11 miles upstream from Bangladesh's western border during the low-flow season seriously adversely affects Bangladesh's irrigated agriculture,...

Farakka Barrage - It's Impacts and Possible Mitigation
The paper discusses the impacts and possible implications of the Farraka Barrage Project across the Ganges River on different sectors in Bangladesh including hydrology and river morphology,...

Impacts of Low Flows on the Alluvial Rivers of the Southwest Region of Bangladesh
The Ganges River, which flows out of China through Nepal and India and finally into Bangladesh, has been subjected to continuous scrutiny as conflicts regarding the diversion of water...

Integrated Planning for International River Basin
The integrated development of the Vardar/Axios Basin includes a system of projects scheduled to meet the needs and aspirations of Yugoslavia (in particular, the former Socialist Republic...

Reconstruction of Concentration Boundary Condition for Unsteady Pesticide Transport Modeling
A one-dimensional unsteady contaminant transport model which used an unsteady hydraulic field was used to model pesticides (metolachlor, metribuzin) in the Iowa River/Coralville Reservoir....

Contaminant Fate and Transport Model in Pool-and-Riffle Streams
The complex nature of solute transport and transformation processes in natural streams has been investigated using numerical solution of a proposed mathematical model. This model is based...

Lake Michigan Diversion at Chicago
Water has been diverted from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River basin beginning with the construction of the Illinois and Michigan Canal in 1848 to serve navigation needs. During the...

The Regulation of Lake Ontario During the Spring of 1993; a Period of Record Supplies
A wet summer in 1992 and record water supplies to Lake Ontario during early 1993 resulted in very high levels on the lake. Actions by the International St. Lawrence River Board of Control...

Flood Monitoring Network In Southeastern Louisiana
A flood monitoring network has been established to alert emergency operations personnel and the public about hydrologic conditions in the Amite River Basin. The U.S. Geological Survey...

Riparian Wetlands and Flood Stages
The paper studies concurrent flood stage records from two fourth-order streams in the hills of northwest Mississippi with similar soils, watershed relief and overall land use. The streams...

Long Term Predictability of River Stages under ENSO Influence
The paper explores the bases for alternative approaches to river flow and hydrologic time series forecasting. The precipitation that forces river flow contains significant modes of variability...

Natural and Dam Break Flood Routing in Mountain Rivers
The accuracy of four one-dimensional flood routing methods is assessed for extreme floods in various mountain river settings. This preliminary assessment focusses on the prediction of...

HEC River Analysis System (HEC-RAS)
The Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) is developing next generation software for one-dimensional river hydraulics. The HEC-RAS River Analysis System (HEC, 1994) is intended to be the...

Ice Accumulation Rate and the Geometry of Ice Jams in River Bends
Experiments on development of ice jams in river bends were performed in a 2.60-m-wide bend flume with a sand bed and 5-mm-diameter plastic beads simulating ice particles. The ice particles...





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