Stability of Beams in Eccentrically Braced Frames
As the link yields and strain hardens in an eccentrically braced frame, the beam segment-outside of the link is subject to a combination of high axial force and bending moment. For certain...

Transient Analysis of Flexible Space Structures
A new approach for numerical analysis of flexible space frames subjected to impact forces is presented. The method is particularly effective in the analysis of large amplitude vibration...

Continuum Model for Flows in Emergent Marsh Vegetation
Modeling of flows in tidal marshes requires modifications to the classical equations of open channel flow. In this study, the authors formulate an equivalent continuum model for tidal...

Urban Development on Alluvial Fans
An increasing number of developments has been planned in areas subject to flood hazards. To protect developments from flood damage and to prevent accumulated negative effects on floodplains,...

Sensitivity Evaluation of Simulation Methods for Reliability Assessment
Commonly used reliability assessment methods include the first-order methods, second-order methods, and Monte Carlo simulation methods with or without variance reduction techniques. The...

Stabilizing Drop Structure by Drainage Modifications
East Drain Terminal Drop Structure is located in East Drain, an open toe drain of Palmetto Bend Dam, in the tide water area of south Texas. The drop structure was threatened by piping...

Gradual Development of Bores in Canal Systems
Modern computer programs for modeling unsteady flow in open channels are typically constructed using a momentum conserving form of the Saint Venant equations. This allows computation of...

A Monumental Task
The geotechnical consultants, structural engineer and contractor combined to overcome difficult soils, underground subway structures and buried utilities when building the foundations...

Modifications to Coal Pier 6 Made Necessary by a Deeper Channel
In 1987 it became apparent to the Norfolk Southern Corporation that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposed dredging of the Norfolk, Virginia Harbor would become a reality. Coal Pier...

Riprap Design in Marine Terminals
Navigation vessels in otherwise quiescent waterways sometimes generate forces that require stabilization of the bed or banks. Since riprap is an accepted and dependable means to armor...

Environmental Monitoring and Operator Guidance System (EMOGS) for Shallow Water Ports
Port facilities have increasingly been required to accommodate longer and deeper draft ships. Existing approaches to many ports consist of long shallow channels which can make transits...

Barbers Point Harbor: A Unique Solution for Port Upgrade
A remote-controlled model of a C9 containership was used to evaluate the navigability of existing harbor and entrance channel conditions in a three-dimensional physical model of Barbers...

Ship Simulation of the Houston Ship Channel, Houston, Texas
The Houston Ship Channel (HSC) consists of approximately 65 miles of improved deep-draft channels. The present channel is 400 ft wide and 40 ft deep at mean low tide for most of the channel...

Draft Chapter 2?Planning and Design Guidelines for Small Craft Harbors?Entrance Design and Breakwaters
The paper will present a very preliminary draft of the second chapter of an ASCE manual that is currently being developed. The new manual is entitled Planning and Design Guidelines for...

Three Dimensional Modeling of Watershed Hydrology
A three dimensional finite element numerical model is developed for the first order watershed hydrology using 8-noded isoparametric brick elements. The 3-D subsurface flow in a hillslope...

Trickle Channel Rehabilitation
Perhaps the primary factor driving the need for trickle channels is urban development. Rural streams in the region display a hydraulic stability and vegetative cover that is resilient...

The Challenge of Kissimmee River Restoration
Between 1962 and 1971, the Kissimmee River in central Florida was channelized by the Corps of Engineers as part of a flood control project. Channelization has resulted in degradation of...

The OCEA Awards of Merit
Submerged rock weirs help tame the Mississippi River, high head pump storage provides power to a community safely and inexpensively, and the world's largest cantilevered hangar...

Investigation of the Behavior of Reinforced Plastic Columns with Concrete Core
This paper describes an experimental investigation into the behavior of reinforced plastic columns with tubular (hollow) sections. The columns were pultruded and had a cross-section which...

Stability and Performance of Slopes and Embankments II
This proceedings, Stability and Performance of Slopes and Embankments II, consists of papers presented at the Specialty Conference sponsored...





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